Classroom & Curriculum News

School Fang Run
On Monday the 30th of October we had our long awaited Colour Fang Run! Everyone had so much fun as they ran around the course and got themselves covered in all different colours! Thank you to everyone for their hard work in raising donations. Another big thank you to all those who helped out and made it happen on the day.
Also congratulations to Ellie from Prep for raising the most amount of donations. Thank you to Mr Stead for volunteering to be slimed as her prize!
Enjoy some pictures of the crazy mess below!
Cooking part 3 and 4:
Last Friday and this Friday we made delicious vegemite and cheese scrolls and Milo bliss balls. The Preps have had so much fun cooking in the kitchen- creating fun, easy recipes while singing and dancing to music.
Bubble Trouble
In Maths the Preps have been focusing on 3D shape
We made different shaped bubble wands out of pipe cleaners. We predicted that the bubbles may come out in different shapes like circles, squares, triangles, stars and love hearts. We noticed that even though they are all made with different shapes they all came out as spheres, no matter how hard we tried. It was nice to get sprayed with the water hose on such a hot day!!!
Year 1/2 - World of Maths
On Thursday 9th November, along with the entire school, the Yr 1/2s took part in a World of Maths workshop. During this workshop, we learnt about different Maths games, strategies, and problem solving. Some tasks required us to use different skills such as addition, subtraction and other problem solving skills.
We enjoyed the workshop so much. Here are some comments from the Yr 1/2s about it:
- Aarvin: I enjoyed the task about walking burnly through the 13 doors without having to go through each door more than once. This was my favourite task because it was a challenge that the presenter said he would give me $1million. I did solve it but don't think I will be gettign the money!
- Poppy M: I enjoyed the mouse trap task
- Teddy: I liked doing the busy bee task because it was fun to work with my group to arrange the blocks
- Lila: I liked the mouse trap task because it was fun to cover it up
- Tilly: I enjoyed all of the games because they were fun and I was learning Maths in a fun way
- Zara: I liked playing the puzzle game because I was able to use my learning about directions
- Arlo D: I liked the task where I had to use the triangle pieces in making a square. I had to use my knowledge of movement to get the pieces in the right spot
- Alex: I enjoyed the game where I had to make a line using yellow pieces. I had to problem solve.
- Ivy: I liked the ski game because it was fun
- Chloe: I liked how I learnt that sometimes it good to work as a team
- Rosie: I liked the blocks game because I had to build different shapes
- Poppy L: I learnt that basketball is actually maths
- Ithiel: I learnt that maths doesn't need to be simple, it can be fun at the same time!
Year 3/4 Reward Day
On Thursday 9th November, all the Year 3/4 students had their Reward Day of a movie, popcorn and a chocolate treat. As you can see we all dressed up in our Hoodies/Oodies or Pjs. It was a fun filled day, althought it did get a bit hot in the afternoon.
It was a day to congratulate all the students for their hard work and efforts throughout the year. At the start of the year Miss Maher, Miss Jones and Mrs Witchell implemented a Raffle Ticket Reward system across our year level. When the teachers saw the students showing kindness, perseverance, dedication, patience and lots of other amazing qualities, those students got a raffle ticket ( wrote their name on it) that was then put into a tub. Weekly and term winners were randomly drawn out of the tub. All the other tickets were then put into a larger container and when it reached the top...... a class reward was promised. It just so happened that both classes reached the top around the same time. The 3/4 Teachers are so proud of the students and cannot believe how hard everyone has worked. A well deserved treat and we look forward to camp at Sovereign Hill next Week.
Italian News:
The Italian classroom is buzzing with enthusiasm, learning new words, phrases each lesson. We have little weather reports giving us the forecast of the day. We have middle children writing their weather report of the day and our seniors travelling, taking us places around Italy. From Prep to Year 6 the language is explored through songs, games, online tasks, reading, writing and applying the language in context. We continue to have fun and learn from each other.