Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

On Thursday 16th of November our schools will celebrate and engage in conversation about diversity by having a ‘Party for Diversity Day.’ We hope to bring specific awareness and understanding to cultural and neurodiversity.
On this day children are invited to dress in clothes that make them feel most like themselves! Favourite item of clothing! We will be collecting a gold coin donation for the “I Can Network” on this day which will go towards supporting diversity of people. Our Party for Diversity will include games on the day and a special treat for our children to bring home after the party.
In the days leading up to this, children will engage in stories and conversation which will bring awareness to Australia’s rich cultural diversity and to the ways in which we are diverse and neurodiverse as people; in our learning styles, actions, social interactions, communication and personalities. Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if we were all the same!
We thank families for raising their voices which has helped inform the planning of this day. If you have a specific passion or knowledge in the area of cultural or neurodiversity, please feel free to get in contact with Ashlee to share this and further inform our day. aowen@sgreservoir.catholic.edu.au