Physical Education

2023 Extra Curricular Sport Calendar:

Term 4

  • 2 November (TBC) – Division Cricket

On Thursday the 2nd of November Division Cricket will take place at C.E Brown Reserve. 


Miss Middlin will be conducting try outs for Grade 5/6 boys and girls on Wednesday and Monday during the first half of lunch. 

Girls After School Cricket

This Term some female students have been taking part in after school cricket. The program aims to develop engagement for females in sport. We have had one session so far and have focused on bowling, batting and throwing. The girls have had so much fun. 


This program will run for the next few weeks. It has been fantastic to see the girls enjoying themselves playing the games. The sessions take place from 3.40-4.40 on Tuesday night on the oval. It is not too late to join up! Please contact Miss Middlin if you are interested. 


Can those participating please make sure they bring their hat and water bottle with them on Tuesday night. 

Miss Middlin 

P.E. Shoes Reminder:

A reminder that students need to bring clean, dry running shoes to P.E. each session.  This is to ensure the safety of the students as well as the condition of the gym.  Please bring them to school in your bags and carry them to P.E. where we will change into them.  Thank you.