
News and Upcoming Events in our community

eSafety Commissioner - Webinars For Parents and Carers 

A range of webinars are available to give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences. These webinars can be accessed at the link and are free of charge. 

Machillop Art Exhibition 

Five of our talented students: George (1/2C), Maggie (1/2C), Rhianne (1/2JS), Willow and Amaira (1/2D), will have artwork on display at the Mackillop Art Exhibition.

If you would like to attend the official Opening and Awards Ceremony, please book here: (Free Event)

Access the Livestream of the Opening Event:




Employment Opportunities

The City of Greater Bendigo are looking for School Crossing Supervisors please refer to the City website for details