Deputy Principal, Wellbeing

 - Miss Kristen Waldron

Talking To Young People About Pornography


Pornography and its impact on adolescence has been prevalent in the news this week. In today's digital age, our teenagers are exposed to a multitude of online content, including explicit material that can shape their perceptions of relationships and intimacy. It's essential for us to engage in open conversations with our teens about online pornography.


Monitoring their online activity isn't about invading privacy; it's about fostering a safe and healthy digital environment. By understanding what they encounter, we can provide guidance on responsible online behaviour and help them develop a realistic understanding of relationships. It’s normal for young people to be curious about sex, and while younger children might see porn for the first time by accident, teens are more likely to be seeking it out.


Initiating a dialogue about online pornography enables us to share our values and promote a healthy attitude towards sexuality. Emphasising respect, consent, and the importance of real-world connections is vital. It's an opportunity to instil critical thinking skills, helping them navigate the digital landscape responsibly.


The talk via the link below is from the School TV site, a well-being resource accessible from the College website. The talk aims to empower parents who may feel anxious or stuck and not know where to begin. It's packed with tips and tools and practical advice on how to have these challenging conversations with young people in a way research tells us will work with them.

