Term 4 - Dates to remember




  • Monday 20th November - Student free day - No school
  • Friday 24th November - Prep and Grade 1 dinner and Grade 2 sleepover (Details to come)



  • Monday 11th December - Christmas Family afternoon 4.30 pm
  • Wednesday 13th December - Tabloid Sports Day 
  • Wednesday 13th December - Grade 6 Students and Staff Special Lunch
  • Wednesday 13th December - Grade 6 Presentation Evening - 7.15pm sharp at the Bunyip Rec Reserve stadium.
  • Friday 15th December - Grade 5/6 Aquatic Adventure Casey Race (More information to come)
  • Friday 15th December - Grade 6 last walk out of Bunyip Primary School celebration
  • Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term 4 - 1.30 pm School finish

                                          *Dates, times and events may be subject to change