Year 2 Spotlight

A Year of Achievement

We are so proud of all that the Year 2 students have achieved this year. Term four is moving very quickly and it has been lovely to see the students continuing to play chess, build Lego, make origami, play soccer and learn together. As we get closer to the end of the year, we want to share some of the things we have been learning about as well as some of our reflections from the year. 



So far this term, we have been learning to identify cause and effect events in texts and have practised working in our reading groups on different activities like Bananagrams and Epic. We have also started comparing and contrasting while reading. 


Next the Year 2s will be analysing texts with how descriptive language is being used and how the author keeps you interested. 



We have been learning about information reports. Before we could begin drafting our information reports we needed to make a plan and do our research. The students brainstormed and wrote down questions to guide their research. We have been using library books and some great websites, including EpicKiddle, and National Geographic Kids, to find the answers to our questions and identify fun facts. Once the students finish their information reports they will be working on writing a fable.


Our information report topics include:

  • Chocolate ~ Jack, 2D
  • Dogs ~ Alice, 2D 
  • Starfish ~ Sophie, 2C
  • Spiders ~ Alfie, 2C
  • Polar Bear ~ Elise, 2C
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex, ~ Rex 2A
  • Penguin ~ Will, 2A
  • Sun Bear ~ Jules, 2A



We have been learning about fractions, we have identified halves, quarters and eighths in shapes and collections. We have enjoyed using pattern blocks to create shapes that can be transformed using flips, slides and turns. The Year 2s will also be investigating Australian money and revising their understanding of how to tell the time on an analogue clock.



We have been investigating the forces of push and pull. We looked at different toys and identified which toys use push, pull, or both, to move. Students followed instructions to create a toy car launcher to show the effects of a pull force.


We asked the students what has been their favourite thing at school this year. 

  • My favourite thing was swimming. ~ Remy, 2D
  • My favourite things were the year 2 concert and making new friends. ~ Ava, 2D
  • My favourite thing was going on the excursion to Edendale Farm. ~ Hamish, 2D 
  • My favourite subject this year has been writing. ~ Athena, 2D 


~ Year 2 Teachers (Mariah, Caitie, Sarah, Sophie & Nicole) and Students