


Last Saturday at Pedrina Park, our two Year 7/8 teams fought it out on the court with College Magpies v College Vixens. It was a great game and was nice to see both teams giving it their all. At half time the scores were level and throughout the whole game, both teams were battling with the wind to get the ball down the court. In the end, College Vixens took the win by three points and with a final score of 18-15.


The College Diamonds took on Monivae Pink in a very close The Diamonds fought hard for the entire four quarters but sadly came out with a loss of 24-31.


Our College Swifts went up against Baimbridge Bandicoots. The girls started strongly and maintained their lead throughout the whole game. There were some good passages of play down the court that really helped increase their lead. The girls won 27-15.


Thank you to everyone who filled in this week and a massive thank you to all umpires, coaches and team managers for helping all players get out and play.



Netball Co-Captain