Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Boarding Leaders Conference 2023

The Australian Boarding Schools Association (ABSA) conducted an online leadership conference for all Boarding House Captains and Prefects for 2024. We were fortunate to have Charlie Mahar and Bella Chow, our 2024 Boarding House Captains, attend this course. With over 200 attendees spanning Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and India, this course was an invaluable experience.


Bella and Charlie spent the time working with others on leadership values, and the creation of new ideas to put into action next year. I'm pleased to hear of their reflections and cannot wait for some of their ideas to come to fruition. These ideas include building upon the Boarding Mentoring Programme, week-day activities, a Boarding House Annual Shield, and giving more voice to our Boarding Committee. 



Boarder of the week

This week's Border of the Week goes to Madeline Funcke. It was wonderful to attend the Open Gardens last weekend and see many of our families in attendance, as well as boarders. Madeline helped out at one of the food stalls - it is wonderful to see our boarders give their time and energy back to the College. Congratulations and thank you Madeline.

Photo: Madeline Funcke (right) with Emily Featherstone. 

Photo: Mr Monk catching up with boarding parent Jo Credin at Arrandoovong Homestead, part of the P&F Open Gardens. 



Our annual Halloween dinner and dress up competition was a hit! So pleased to see all of our boarders get involved in dressing up and having a bit of fun during the week. A big thanks to Josh for his work in the kitchen, and Bella and Charlie for running the mummy competition. Frank Xu was our successful dress-up champion with his makeup; truly scary and something to behold.

Photo: Frank Xu

Photo: Bella O’Sullivan and Lottie Volker