Middle Years

- Mr Ben Hawthorne

Year 7 and 8 Camps – Building Positive Relationships


It has been a busy two weeks - with the Year 7s on their Glenelg River Outdoor Education Camp and the Year 8s completing their Anglesea Outdoor Education Camp. 


Both camps are highly valuable in developing students’ independence, interdependence and building positive relationships with their peers. Both year levels experienced a range of weather conditions, from cold, wet, and windy conditions to bright sunny and hot weather.  


Prior to the camps I spoke with several students about how they were feeling about their upcoming camp. Overwhelmingly the biggest concerns were about “who will be in my group?” For each of these students I encouraged them to see camp as an opportunity to get to know other people within their cohort. I set these students the challenge of spotting strengths in people they normally don’t have much to do with. For example, who was a great cook? Who was a fun, amusing person? Who helped others when they were struggling? Who was good at mountain biking/surfing etc? Focusing on the strengths of others is a great way to build friendships and positive relationships within a group. 


The Year 7s and 8s should feel proud of the way they contributed to their groups and year levels. Hopefully they are all excited for the 2024 Year 8 and Year 9 programs where they will learn to further extend and develop their relationships with each other.