Junior Campus

- Mr Stephen Nelson


A reminder to all our parents that the College will be closed on Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 November. Classes will recommence for the Early Learning Centre and Junior School on Wednesday, 8 November. I wish all in our learning community a restful long weekend. 


P.E. - Students have been focusing on ball handling (overarm throw and catch), two-handed strikes and incorporated these skills into various cricket-themed games!  The students have been outstanding and their talent was on display last week at Pedrina Park for the Super 8s Cricket tournament.


Year 5 - Students enjoyed preparing for camp with some ‘role play’ writing submitted to Sovereign Hill, for their ‘old school’ experience.   Halloween was also celebrated, through poetry and ballads, drawing tutorials and some fun procedural text.


Year 6 - Students have taken the opportunity to support the Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation Christmas Child’.  The students collected toys, stationery, books and personal care items for children less fortunate around the world.  The boxes will be posted to the needy in developing countries.  


Congratulations to the Junior School Laidlavians and Miss See on a great Laidlaw House Service on Thursday. The theme of “perseverance’ was a thoughtful and important one.  The students gave some lovely readings and retold the story of Zog the dragon, and his quest for a gold star.  Senior Campus Laidlaw Captains, Ruby Cush and Arbella Little, gave examples of perseverance in their lives.  Guest speaker Reverend Peter Cook shared a perseverance story and reminded us of a saying his mother had given to him when he was in Year 3 “Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better best.”



Next Thursday, the Prep to Year 6 students will step up to their new classes for 2024.  New students commencing at the College have been invited also to join us at Myrniong for this important day.  Our current Year 6 class will spend their day as Year 7s at the Senior Campus, and class teachers will meet their 2024 cohorts.  Finalising staffing can, at times, be a bit of a jigsaw, but the pieces are coming together, and we will be able to announce teacher placements to parents in the coming days. 


I had the pleasure of attending the Ecumenical Heads of Junior School meeting in Melbourne last Friday.  A guest speaker at the network meeting was Dale Sidebottom, the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education.  Dale’s goal is to provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday.  He is a big believer in the huge positives games and play can have on corporate productivity, workplace culture and the wider community.  


Dale shared his journey and how play-based mindfulness, empathy, kindness, and gratitude helped him overcome long-term struggles.  His evidenced-based approach is engaging and refreshing.  An interesting takeaway for me was his daily use of PEGG (Play, Exercise, Gratitude, Giving) to improve personal wellbeing. 


The following link is to a short Tedx Melbourne presentation by Dale. 







Last Thursday, Year 5 and 6 students participated in the annual HDSA Cricket 8s competition at Pedrina Park. It was a terrific experience for those new to cricket and a wonderful opportunity for our current cricket players to develop on their and off field leadership. 


Many thanks to our parent and teacher coaches and scorers, Lachie Brown, Richard Edgar and Andrew Kennedy along with Mrs Anna Robertson and Mrs Birgitta Keiller who helped us on the day. 


Congratulations to all of our students for demonstrating positive sportsmanship and a ‘can do’ attitude all day. 




Congratulations to Yolanda O’Sullivan and Lachlan Sweeney, who competed in the SSV State Athletics Championships in Melbourne yesterday. Yolanda came 8th overall, improving upon her PB for the 1500m by 10sec. Lachlan was pleased with his performance in front of a big crowd on the day! 


We are very proud of both of these athletes - congratulations!


Mrs Louse Patterson