Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

 - Mrs Susan Bradbeer


Photo: Year 12 students, Sarah and Katie, winding down after their VCE Math Methods exams

Approaching Exams with Confidence


With only three weeks to go until our end of year examinations I thought it timely to revisit a newsletter article from the archives (2022). We have exams at the College because we believe that we are preparing our young people for life. To do hard things, to celebrate what they have learned and to showcase their progress. But with any examination comes some anxiety and apprehension. 


How can they approach the exam with confidence? The following approaches will embed confidence in your children.


Students learn the importance of being on time. Punctuality is of paramount importance. You must be at the exam venue 5 minutes before you are allowed into the exam room. This allows you to compose yourself and mentally prepare for the examination to start.


Students need to be organised and have the correct and approved materials with the for the exam. Students should read the examination guidelines and know what is not allowed in the exam room, including mobile phones or smart watches. The VCAA have strict guidelines and we are teaching our younger students to meet these requirements at our own school exams.


Students need to manage their energy levels on the day of the exam. Good sleep in the days leading up to the exam is important. Good food, a high protein breakfast, will help sustain energy though a two-hour exam. It is important to be hydrated but not drink too much that you cannot manage the exam period without using the bathroom.


Students need to manage their time. Students should focus on their own work and examination paper. It is not uncommon for students to look around the room or out the window during a class. An examination demands all your attention. Students practice managing their time in the exam, focusing on their own work, the pace at which they complete each question and how much time to proofread at the end. Encourage your child to have a watch with them and discuss how they will manage the exam time. 


Students need to use the reading time effectively. Reading time is part of the exam. Students should be encouraged to read and review the paper carefully and make a mental note of how they will tackle the paper- which section they will complete first, what is being asked. Most importantly, consider what the key words are in each question so that you know exactly what is being asked of you. The following list of action words in questions (see attached) might be something to discuss with your son or daughter.


Students must write as clearly as possible in an exam. Students are instructed to use a blue or black pen. Some students struggle to write neatly, and we know that it can be difficult for some students to write quickly. This exam period is an opportunity practice and learn how to get better at writing the required number of words under time pressure.


An exam timetable will be available in the coming week; parents keep a look out. Teachers have started to provide revision outlines for the upcoming exam period. If you have any questions please contact your child’s mentor or subject teacher.