Parents' and Friends'

Open Gardens


Weather is an enigma. From hot dry winds on Saturday to driving rain on Monday, the day in between defied logic and was the calmest of days with the perfect amount of sun for the Open Gardens event and with it came hundreds of visitors to enjoy the majestic Ardgartan and Arrandoovong gardens. 


Enormous gratitude must be given to Karley Cameron and Kate Cain, our garden coordinators, as well of the amazing helpers on the day (too numerous to name) who went above and beyond to contribute to the smooth running of this event. I would particularly like to thank those who were there early to set up, the magnificent parking marshals who served as both welcoming party and logistics managers on the day, the food preparation team, the food stall supervisors, the children’s activities helpers led by Amanda Adamson, the P&F table assistants, slice bakers and parents escorting hospitality and music students to the event. 


Another huge thank you must go to Mr Benjamin Hiscock, Mr Ben Singh and the music students who set the scene beautifully with their classical repertoire. Nick Dopheide and Craig Kennedy put in an enormous effort carting equipment to and from the gardens and James Leversha assisted with the electronics. Mrs Mel McDonald worked tirelessly to provide food for both gardens and all the food was so delicious it was sold out by the afternoon! 


The overwhelming feeling among the attendees on the day, is that The Hamilton and Alexandra College is a community like no other as we came together to welcome the greater community to be a part what was an incredible day out. As President of the P&F, I am continuously overwhelmed by the willingness of the parents of this school, past and present, to give so generously their time, assistance and support to the P&A initiatives which in turn benefit the College students. It is unique to this school and something that lets our children know that they are important to the whole school community. 


Past parents, Harry and Min Youngman must truly be thanked for allowing us to apprehend their Ardgartan garden for several days, as well as David Wyner of Arrandovong who has no affiliation with the school but enthusiastically shared his garden for our fundraising and will now become part of the ‘Friends’ component of Parents and Friends! 


We are still collating profits and ticket numbers sold so please stay tuned for the final tally. This has been an enormous boost to our fundraising for the Middle Years landscape project, of which we hope to share plans for this very soon. 



Raffle winners

Congratulations to the raffle winners and thank you again to the generous sponsors of the accommodation, dining and Coonawarra wine.

  • First prize - Anita Lynch (Woorndoo)
  • Second prize - Alana Brown (Hamilton)
  • Third prize - Jaymen Fletcher (Warrnambool)

Christmas cakes

Christmas cakes are selling fast, so please see Fi or Nat at the Senior and Junior Campus Receptions or visit Tosca Browns or The Rox Café to purchase there. We also have Christmas puddings available. 


Our recipe book combos continue to sell quickly, and these, too, are available from these locations. 


Amanda Nagorcka

President P&F