Year 2 News 

Exploring the World of Forces Through Cardboard Marble Runs 


In Year 2, our young scientists have embarked on an exciting journey to uncover the mysteries of the natural world. The theme for our unit of inquiry, "How the World Works," has taken us into the fascinating realm of forces, where students have been busy planning, designing, creating, and evaluating cardboard marble runs. 


What are cardboard marble runs, you might wonder? Well, they are innovative contraptions that challenge our students to put their problem-solving skills to the test. These creative masterpieces involve using various forces like gravity, friction, and momentum to guide a marble through an intricate maze of cardboard tracks. 


Using the scientific design process here's a sneak peek into what our budding engineers and physicists have been up to: 


1. Planning: The students started by brainstorming ideas and sketching out their designs. They had to consider how different elements of their marble run would work together, taking into account the forces that would come into play. 


2. Designing: With their plans in hand, it was time to get hands-on. Our young designers constructed the cardboard structures and pathways for the marble run, experimenting with different shapes and angles to optimize the marble's journey. 


3. Creating: As they put their designs into action, they learned about the forces of gravity and friction firsthand. It was all about trial and error, making adjustments, and persevering until they achieved success. 


4. Evaluating: After building their marble runs, students analysed the performance of their creations. They reflected on what worked well and what needed improvement, gaining valuable insights into the principles of forces and motion. 

This engaging project not only enhances our students' understanding of how the world works but also nurtures important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. 


We are all very proud of what the Year 2 students have managed to create – go team!