Prep News

Colour Run 

The Preps had so much fun doing their first Colour Run!

We all had a wonderful time running around the oval getting sprayed with water and slime and covered in colourful powder. Some of the Preps wanted their shirts to stay coloured!

The Colour Run was a bit different this year with the addition of the slime pit! The Preps got very sticky and slimy and we even had shoes get lost in the slime!

It was so much fun watching the teachers get slimed too, but I think the Preps were happy that it was the teachers having a bucket of slime poured over their head and not the students!


Thank you to all of the lovely parent volunteers who helped make the Colour Run such a success and so much fun!


Maths - Sharing 


The Preps have just started to think about division. As an introduction to division, in Prep, we consider sharing items out evenly.


We all watched a story called, "The Doorbell Rang", by Pat Hutchins. In the story, two children wanted to share their 12 freshly baked cookies fairly. Initially the children started with 6 cookies each, but as their friends arrived, they needed to adjust their sharing so that everyone got an equal number of cookies. More and more children knocked at the door. By the end of the story, they were left with one cookie each. 


We then had a go of sharing 12 counters ourselves. We shared the 12 counters and made 2 groups of 6, 3 groups of 4 and 6 groups of 2.


The Preps did a wonderful job with this concept which can be quite tricky to begin with.