November –- Principled  

For the month of November, we are focusing on being principled at home and at school.    


We are fair, acting with integrity and honesty. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. 


Students who are principled have a sense of fairness and are honest with themselves and with others. They understand that sometimes there are rules and they follow them. They have an understanding of moral reasoning.  


The goal for the attribute ‘Principled’ is to encourage students to show respect for the rights of people everywhere and to take responsibility for their actions and consequences.  


How can your child practice be Principled at home? 


Support your child making decisions, encouraging conversations and reflections about the results of these decisions. 


Involve your child in deciding on the rules for a game or activity and then ensure that they stick to the ones that have been decided upon. 


Encourage your child to play games that involve teams. Discuss with your child the qualities of a team player. What sort of person would they want on their team? 

When your child wins or loses a game insist that they are a well-mannered player. They might thank their opponent, shake hands, touch elbows or high five with them if it’s appropriate. 


When playing a game, don’t change the rules or let your child win. Being a gracious loser is just as important as being a good winner. 



Interview with Year 3 students 

Bessie, Evie, Madden & Jacob
Bessie, Evie, Madden & Jacob


This month we have an extra special focus on the Learner profile, Principled. Can you tell me what you think being principled means to you. 


Evie: I think being principled means doing the right thing.  


Bessie: I think it means doing what you are told to do and not breaking the rules. Don’t try to change yourself for others. 


Madden: Being principled means doing what you want to do that’s rights, you don’t have to do what other people want you to do. You want to try your best but stay humble and not brag. 

Jacob: To be principled is to do something that is right and not bragging. Just doing it even if no one is around to see you doing it.  


How can you be principled outside of school, at home or when you are doing your outside school activities? 


Evie: I have netball and sometimes when I get into groups people get upset because they want to be with their friends. I try not to be upset and just happy with who I am with. 

Bessie: I play basketball. If you are playing a game, it is important to be a good sport. Follow the rules, don’t be angry if you lose a game. It is not the end of the world! 


Madden: I play sport too and I agree with the others.  Also, when I am at home and I play Xbox, my brother and I might want to be the same player. So, we try and figure it out. If we can’t, I have to be principled. I would let him be the player he wants if we can’t agree.  


Jacob: I play cricket and I must be a good sport for that too. At home I make sure to follow the rules. Take a deep break if I need too, and not get worked up over anything. 


If being a good sport is an important part of being principled in games. Can you explain what qualities you would see people in sports that are being principled? 


Evie: Being a team player, being happy with whatever place you may be playing in, like in netball. 


Bessie: A good team player will not hog the ball. They won’t be selfish during the game. 


Madden: A good team player that is principled will not think they are the only one in the team. 

Jacob: Being principled in sport means that you will be humble, so it’s okay to cheer with your team if you win, but don’t rub it into the other team. Also, if you are the crowd watching, cheer normally, not over the top. 


By Evie, Bessie, Madden and Jacob 



We use the Learner profile every week on a Friday afternoon. Before fun Friday we have to pick a learner profile to reflect on. 


The Learner profile 


We encourage and celebrate our students being: 

  •  Balanced 
  • Caring 
  • Communicators 
  • Inquirers 
  • Knowledgeable 
  • Open Minded 
  • Principled 
  • Reflective 
  • Courageous 
  • Thinkers