Interview with Melissa Ball

Interview with Melissa Ball

Year 3 teacher


How long have you worked at 



  • I have worked here for 18 years! I have taught Prep, Year 1 and Year 3.

Who inspires you?  


  • I had the best teacher in primary school. I had her in year 1, 3 and 4 and she inspired me to become a teacher. 

What is your favourite thing to do on weekends?


  • In summer I love to go to the beach and read my kindle. In winter I love to stay home and read my kindle!
  • I also love to go out for breakfast!


If you could go on a holiday anywhere in the World, where would you go?


  • I would really love to go to France and follow the Tour de France.



 Are you an early bird or a night owl? 


I'm probably more of an early bird.



What might someone be surprised to know about you?


  • I am obsessed with professional cycling. I love everything about the Tour de France, and I recently found out that one of my ex-BNPS students (who I taught in Prep) is now a professional rider with a European team! 


What recently made you smile?


  • I smiled when my class cheered for me when they saw that I didn't need my crutches anymore. I thought that was very cute.


What would you like to say to the students at BNPS?


  • If you think you can - YOU CAN!