Student Interview - Rosie, Bessie & Evelyn

Student Interview with Rosie, Bessie & Evelyn 3A


What do you love about school?

Rosie - I love art and enjoy reading.


Bessie - I love seeing my friends each day.


Evelyn - What I love about school is I get to see my friends every day and I also love reading books.

What are you most proud of?

Rosie - I am so proud of how many friends I have made being a partly shy person.


Bessie - I'm most proud of how I've developed over the years.


Evelyn - I am most proud of my handwriting. I think it is quite neat.

Who is your hero?

Rosie - My heroes are Bessie and Evelyn who have always had my back.


Bessie - My heroes are my 2 best friends (Evelyn and Rosie).


Evelyn - My heroes are my mum and dad. They have helped me through everything.

Do you play a sport or have a 


Rosie - I play basketball and do swimming and gymnastics and I enjoy art.


Bessie - I play basketball, swimming and gymnastics.


Evelyn - I play basketball and swimming. I love doing art as well.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Rosie- I want to experience a lot of jobs but I want to work at a shelter to help animals.


Bessie - I want to be a Zookeeper, so I can be with the monkeys.


Evelyn - I would love to be an Author. I love how you can unleash so much creativity in a book.

What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Rosie - My dog made me smile as she always does.


Bessie - I saw a new puppy on the weekend which made me smile.


Evelyn - My 4 guinea pigs, I love them so much.


If you had a wish, what would        you wish for?                                         

Rosie - If I had a wish, I would wish to have infinite wishes so I could help the homeless.


Bessie - I would wish that I could talk to animals.


Evelyn - I wish I could shape shift into anything I think about.