
Year 4 have begun their new Unit of Inquiry in the art room, Where We are in Place and Time. 


A Journey through First Nation Art: Connecting Past Wisdom to present understanding.  


The students looked at the Art of the Desert Mob, in particular Papunja Tula an Art Movement that started in the Community of Pupunja in the 1970’s. Desert Mob artists especially men started painting their symbols on paper and canvas. Prior to this these symbols and stories were drawn by finger in the red soil of the desert. This is where the style of dot painting originated. 


These artworks today are known for their vibrant colours and use of dot painting. 





Starting with an exploration into the origins and technique of dot painting in relation to Papunya Tulla.  


Year 2 have started their new Unit of Inquiry in the art room, Where We are in Place and Time. Celebrating our world: Exploring traditional celebrations of different cultures and their visual creations. 







Looking to the colourful celebrations of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival to construct and detail their own Carnival Masks: Combining bold monotone pattern and colourful collage.