Principal's Report

Every picture says a thousand words!

Colour Run


Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin. Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain.


Members of our school community have had much to smile about in recent days.


Enjoy the smiles and laughter of our colour Run, please see the Colour Run Page



I would like to sincerely thank members of our Parents’ and Friend team who planned and organised this wonderful day for our students and their teachers.  Catherine Verlaan was the coordinator of this fun filled experience for everyone.  I would also like to thank Nat & Andrew Northey, Emma & Greg Watson who supported Catherine with this event.  The team worked calmly and quietly behind the scenes organising every aspect of the event.


Thankyou also to the many parents and grandparents who not only setup on the day but also for cleaning up afterwards. 

Year 6 Mini Market Day.

Last Thursday the Year 6 team conducted their Market Day.  This activity was one aspect of their economics study. 


The students and staff were full of energy at 9am but the energy levels had subsided immensely by 1.30. 



I would like to sincerely thank the Year 6 staff for the many hours given beyond the school days to ensure the success of the market.  The organisation involved was immense. It wasn’t just the shopping and food preparation for the big day but the organisation for the 520 buyers (our students).  


Class teachers were provided with a list of student order, sticky labels for the students to wear when they collected their orders and the staggered food collection times to avoid specialist classes.


I would like to sincerely thank the Year 6 staff including Anna, Donna, Brooke, Lauren Arla and Nicole for their ongoing commitment to this initiative. 


I would also like to thank Jesse for helping with putting up the marquee, moving the bar-b-ques, trestles and generally just being on hand to assist and support as the team required.


I would like to thank our ladies in the office who set up and managed QKr, the many who offered to shop, cook, donate and generally support and encourage everyone on this special day.


The overall financial aim of this event was to raise funds to support their parents with the cost of their Year 6 Graduation.

Year 6 - Remembrance Day Ceremony


We are pleased to invite you to attend our annual Remembrance Day Ceremony presented by 6C and 6D this year. 


Date: Friday 10 November 2023

Time: 9:50am arrival for 10:00am start

Place: Front of school (Wood Street) if weather is fine (backup plan of under Sherril’s Shed if not).


There will be guest seating available at either side of the students, behind the row of teachers.


* Please do not sit behind the Year 6 presenters near the cubby houses, as the focus should be on the students.


We look forward to this special event and would love to see as many of you here as possible.




Year 4 Camp

The Year 4 students excitedly left for their camp yesterday to – Flinders – Golden Valley Adventure Camp, positioned on the incredible Mornington Peninsula National Park.

I am sure that there will be lots of reports and photos in the next newsletter of the wonderful time that they are having there.


Pupil Free Days 

Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 November are Pupil Free days. Our OSHC program will be operating on both days. Please ensure you book your child into the program to secure a place on these days.

Save the Date: 

On Thursday 30 November, weather permitting, we will be having an Aussie flavoured Christmas Concert. The evening will commence at 6pm. All classes will be performing on the amphitheatre at the oval.

Our PR 

Charlotte in Year 1 visited her brother's kindergarten - Olive Philips and did a presentation about our school. Charlotte made poster for them to keep too! 


Well done, Charlotte.




Kind regards

Sherril Duffy