Principal's Report

Term 4 is nearly half over already and we are well into planning for 2024. There will be a few staff changes but not as many as in previous years so I am pleased that there is more stability for the students and school community. In the next newsletter to end the year, I will detail those changes.
Updates on the new buildings: we will move all staff around by the end of the year so that we have completely vacated the E block, in preparation for demolition next year and the commencement of the new building work. It’s an exciting but very busy time as we prepare and ensure that the school is ready to start 2024. A highlight for me this week was learning that we will have an industrial kitchen as the Food Tech room, so we will be able to offer Vet Hospitality when the buildings are completed.
Our exams have started for year 12 students, and I cannot speak highly enough on their conduct throughout this period. We are all extremely proud of this cohort, who have set a very high standard. We look for to their results later in the year and will publish a final newsletter presenting the school dux.
Last week we ran a fire drill, and the students were exemplary in the behaviour and participation. The drill was conducted in record time, and I thank staff and students for this extremely positive response.
Mid term reports are out this week, and at the end of the year, students will receive a final report. I urge you to use these interim reports to inform you of where you need to focus most for the remainder of the year so that you can end with your best efforts and ready to proceed to the next year. Parents, please contact your child’s coordinator if you have concerns about their progress and would like to make a time to meet.
Excursions coming up – we have a year 9 2-day city experience, a year 10 bowling excursion, and years 7 and 8 “Bounce” excursions, all over the next few weeks. Please ensure that you are aware of these excursions and have completed the appropriate paperwork on Compass and paid the costs. Please contact the coordinator if you have any concerns.
Reminder that Monday 6 November is a Pupil Free Day for staff curriculum planning, and Tuesday 7 November is a public holiday and the school will be closed.
Lisa Vinnicombe, Executive Principal