Wellbeing at McAuley

Shannon Cain and Lucy Connor

Bronze Bands:  Congratulations to all our students who have now received their Bronze Bands!  These were given out last week for those students who had over 100 days of following the School Expectations and working towards making McAuley a wonderful place!  Our next level is 'Silver', which is due at the end of Week 8 this term.  


Behaviour Level Chart Reset: At the end of Week 1 of this term, those students who may have made mistakes in Term One or Two of this year were given an opportunity to move forward on their Behaviour Level Chart.  We 'Reset' all students who had lost 'days' due to misdemeanours in Term 1 or 2.  We have some wonderful students at McAuley who have not had any blemishes on their Level Chart at all this year.  Therefore to make it fair to these students, our 'reset' students will be a little behind those who did not require  'reset'. However, all students will still capable of reaching McAuley Level if they had learnt from their mistakes and continue to follow our school expectations in their behaviour.