It's Time to get involved

We are calling on our school community to help to ensure our event is a great success. 

The team has done a fantastic job behind the scenes to get many of the plans in place, which takes a lot of effort from our community when it comes to putting your hand up to help ensure a successful event over the weekend of the 6th, 7th, and 8th of September. 

Now, we are reaching out to you - our school community - to get involved and help where

you can! 



  • As in previous years, we have planned the event using different activities or zones. 
  • Each class group will be assigned a zone to help us manage on the weekend of the event. The LASF Art Team and the Art Gallery Set-up are not class-specific—people from across the whole school group are invited to help with these two activities.
  • We have created a roster of volunteers required for each zone based on the activities we know are needed to deliver the event well. 
  • We are more than happy for class groups to amend the schedule to suit their own agreed-upon approach - maybe longer roster times, shorter, or more or fewer people per slot - contact us to make changes to the sign-up sheet. 
  • If you have helped with a particular zone in the past and want to provide suggestions about how to ensure its success, please don’t be shy about passing along feedback and suggestions about what worked and what didn’t. 
  • Allocating a zone to a class group helps ensure that everyone is responsible for something and makes it easier for people to coordinate volunteers on a class-by-class basis. 
  • You can sign up for more than one slot to help. Once each class has had an opportunity to review and fill their zone, we will make empty slots available to the whole community.
  • Please encourage older families to help paint a picture of how the activity or overall event comes together on the weekend. Maybe they might take the lead in helping to drive your allocated zone.
Carnival Games & CraftsYEAR
Carnival Rides & Petting ZooYEAR
Cake Stall & Sweet TreatsKINDY + YEAR
BBQ & International FoodYEAR 2 (BBQ)
Opening Night Event & RaffleYear
LASF Entertainment Schedule YEAR
Gallery Set-upOPEN –