
Puccini’s La Boheme

Congratulations to Asmira Adams (Year 10, Skipper House) who will be performing in Puccini’s La Boheme with the Melbourne Opera from the 15 to 24 September at the Athenaeum.


Asmira will be performing alongside an outstanding cast in Puccini's romantic masterpiece. Considered the most popular opera in the world, this production by Melbourne Opera, features many of opera's most beloved arias and ensembles. The production transports the audience to the heart of 19th century Paris following the loves and losses of a group of young Bohemians.


Asmira had this to say about her experience:


‘In honour of the centenary of the beloved composer’s death, Melbourne Opera presents a newproduction of Puccini’s most popular and romantic opera La Bohème which I am very excitedand humbled to be taking part in. I have the amazing opportunity to be a part of the children’schorus where I play the role of a mischievous girl named Emma.


Last year I commenced my classical training with Carrie Barr. Past experiences and traininginclude being a part of Beginners On Stage, Y.A.B.C (Young Australian Broadway Chorus), Australian Girls Choir, and VOYCE (Victorian Opera Youth Chorus Ensemble). In 2023 I was alsoa part of Victorian Opera’s New Work Opera program which will be returning in these upcoming holidays, where it will be held at Montsalvat’.


Performances for La Bohemes will be at the Athenaeum Theatre from 15 to 24 September, see the link below to book your tickets.


Eltham High School Postcard Show 2024

Have you collected your postcard yet?

They are available at the front office, the Arts Staff Room, room 613 or you can ask your Arts Teacher.


There are prizes for the best entry at each year level and a panel including Mr Sicari and special guest artist Emmy Mavroidis will select up to 3 works that will be reproduced as cards to be used by the school.


An exhibition of the entries will be displayed at the end of term 3.


Postcard Show 2024

The theme is Music. Music is endemic to culture and our lives in so many ways. 


How will you portray it?Perhaps you will respond to your favourite musician or genre? The lyrics of a song?  How music makes you feel?  Music in different cultures or from different times? 


You might take inspiration from album covers, performances or an instrument you play?We are looking forward to your entries and how you respond.



  1. The postcard exhibition is open to all students and staff at Eltham High School.
  2. Postcards are available from the front office, the Arts staff room or room 613 or ask your arts teachers
  3. You may enter as many times as you like but only one entry will be eligible for a prize.
  4. Your artwork can be completed in any mediums of your choice - paint, pencil, collage, ink…etc.
  5. Entries are due no later than Friday September 13.
  6. There will be a post box at the General Office where you can submit your finished entries. 

Please make sure your full name and year level is written on the back of each post card you sumbit.

  1. Judging will take place on Wednesday September 18.
  2. Prizes of art materials will be awarded to one entry per year level.
  3. Up to three overall winners selected by the judging panel will have their artworks reproduced as cards to be used by the school.

Thanks from the visual art team; Maddie, Jayda, Teagan, Elliot, Lenny and Amanda.

Art Space Mondays and Fridays

Students who are wanting a space to make art and access materials can come to Room 613 at lunchtimes on Mondays and Fridays.  


The space will be open to all year levels and abilities.  If you like being creative and want to join other like-minded people then come along on either or both of these daysand remember to bring your lunch.

Eltham High Arts and Technology Instagram Account

Keep up to date about everything Arts and Technology including upcoming events, exhibitions, subject information, plus lots more.


You can join our account at or you can access the account through the following QR Code:

LISA FOOTE, Arts KLA Coordinator