
Friends of Music Trivia Night

Friends of Music held our second annual Trivia Night on Saturday 17 August and it was a lot of fun. Eight tables of parents and supporters laughed their way through rounds testing our recall of movies, music, sport, some famous and obscure landmarks seen from above, and some incredibly pixelated movie stars. Once again our amazing hosts “Bruce Brewsters” and “Lacey Bloomers” entertained us all and kept us on our toes – sometimes literally when they had tables competing for bonus points to demonstrate the best boy / girl band cover or first to pop a balloon.  Our winning team took home a generous hamper of goodies to share. 


The Trivia night raised nearly $1000 for the Instrumental Music Program after we’d paid the costs of the night, which is a fantastic achievement. Funds raised by Friends of Music go towards purchase of instruments, music, equipment, and guest artists to enrich the music experience of all our kids in the program.


Thank you to everyone who came along and rounded up friends and relatives to join in the fun.  A huge thanks goes to Jane Nicholson for all her help and support in the Music Office advertising and selling tickets and organising paperwork for us. Thank you also to the Friends of Music Committee for organising the night and to Douglas Bair and Charlotte Strantzen-Bair (aka Bruce and Lacey) for hosting and making it so enjoyable.


2024 Celebration Concerts

Tickets for the Eltham High School Celebration Concerts are now on sale.  There are two concerts being held. The first on Monday 16 September and the second on Thursday 19 September both starting at 7:30pm in the Nalleijerring Performance Space. 


A list appears below of which ensembles are performing at each concert. 


Tickets sales are open through Trybooking.  Please click on or copy the following link to purchase tickets.  


Ticket prices are: $30.00 per Adult and $20.00 per Child, Student and Concession tickets.  


There are 292 allocated seats in the tiered section and 120 general admission seats on the floor space.  No ticket is required for performers themselves.  If you would like your child to sit with you in the Performance Centre when they are not performing, you will need to purchase a ticket for them.  

Please note tickets will sell quickly for the concerts. Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Please do not wait to purchase tickets on the night as there may not be any tickets left to sell.  


Please note the date which your child’s ensemble will be performing:


16 September  Running Order for Celebration Concert 1

Symphonic Band - Conductor: Rick Keenan

Principal’s Welcome: Vincent Sicari

Training Strings - Conductor: Clare Zabrowarny

String Quartet:

Dean Coelho (Violin), Aurelia Angesti (Violin), Stephanie Smith (Viola), Tom Hattam (Cello)

Choir - Director: Lynlee Williams        


Training Band - Conductor: Rick Keenan

String Orchestra - Conductor: Paul Zabrowarny

Raffle Draw 

Chamber Strings - Conductor: Tim Veldman


19 September Running Order for Celebration Concert 2

Concert Band - Conductor: Brent Mills

Principal’s Welcome: Vincent Sicari

Wind Ensemble - Conductor: Karen Heath

Year 12 Music Presentation 

Big Band - Director: Jordan Murray              

Jazz Band - Director: Brent Mills  


Stage Band - Director: Jordan Murray

Director of Music Speech: Rick Keenan

Chamber Strings - Conductor: Tim Veldman

Raffle Draw

Symphonic Band - Conductor: Rick Keenan


We will also be running a raffle at each concert. Raffle tickets can be purchased on the night. 


Please purchase some raffle tickets to support our Music Program.  There are some great prizes – vouchers, wine, chocolates and more! You will not only be supporting our music students you will also be supporting local businesses.


For enquiries regarding tickets please contact our Music Secretary, Grace Trebley at or 9430 5127.


We are looking forward to these two great evenings in our very own Performance Centre.  It will be wonderful to see these live performances, please come along.


Volunteers Needed for Celebrations Concerts 

Have you heard of 'Friends of Music'?  We are family and friends of Eltham High School's Music Program students, and we help run events and raise funds to support the Music Program.


The Celebration Concerts are an opportunity for our family, friends and community to experience the exciting range of the Music Program, from the Year 7s just starting out to the accomplishments of the senior students. The concerts are also an opportunity to raise funds for the music program, and there will be a raffle held at each concert.


The Celebration Concerts 2024 will be held over two nights: Monday 16 and Thursday 19 September 2024 from 7:30pm -10:30pm.


We are seeking volunteers to help run these two concerts, and we have a role that suits your skills!


From coordinating car parking to ushering, from wrapping up raffle donations to backstage handing, we have a number of simple and fun jobs before, during, and after the concerts.


This is your call to help us support Eltham High School's outstanding Music Program and enjoy the developing talents of our students!


Volunteer roles available:

Before the concert:

  • Raffle preparation.

At one or both concerts:

  • Front of house/Raffle
  • Car Parking Attendants
  • Ushers
  • Backstage Hands (Experienced)
  • Backstage Hands (Novice).

How to volunteer:

We use (an online reminder tool) that lets volunteers choose the role and timeslot in which they can help.

  1. Review the options listed and choose the spot you like
  2. Type in your email address
  3. Click the button.

You will NOT need to register or make a password on

  • does not share your email address with anyone.
  • If you prefer not to share your email address with SignUp, please email: we will add you to our volunteers list manually.
  • If you do sign up, the email you receive to confirm your spot may have advertising in it - however you will not receive any other email from SignUp.

If you'd like to know more, email to contact our Secretary, Samantha Bell, and we will keep you in the loop.


Raffle Prize Donations for Celebration Concerts

Donations required by Wednesday 11 September 2024


We are requesting donations for raffle prizes for our Celebration Music Concerts. We would really appreciate any donations from Eltham High School families, or contacts or associated businesses for the raffle run in conjunction with the concerts being held on Monday 16 and Thursday 19 September 2024 in the Nalleijerring Performance Centre at Eltham High School.


Each year these raffles raise much needed funds for the music department to be able to purchase instruments, music equipment, music and much more for the students.


Donations do not have to be large – a bottle of wine, a voucher for coffee and cake from a local café, a voucher for a meal at a local restaurant, a giftware or beauty voucher, a grass mowing voucher, tickets to events. Small items can be combined to make larger prizes. We would like anything that would put a smile on your face if you have a winning ticket.


Businesses that are able to contribute donations will be listed on our program and Logo’s will be displayed if they are provided. We will also be able to share your business on our Facebook page with our school community.


Please contact Grace Trebley in the Music Office if you have any prizes to donate. 

Email: or Tel: 9430 5111.  


We will need the donations by no later than Wednesday 11 September 2024.


Thank you for your continued support of our Music Program.


Please note we will be calling for volunteers to assist at both music concerts.  Please sign up to assist if you can.  


Thank you, 

Friends of Music

Music Lessons and Rehearsals

Please ensure you check Compass for your scheduled lesson and rehearsal times

Please see a list of the 2024 large ensemble rehearsal times listed below.

String OrchestraMonday 7:30 - 8:40am in 111 (students to arrive by 7:15am)
Stage BandMonday 3:30 - 5:30pm in 111
Training Band  Monday 3:30 - 4:45pm in 306 (commences 18/3/2024)
Training StringsTuesday 7:30 - 8:40am in 306 (students to arrive by 7:15am) (commences 19/3/2024) 
Chamber StringsTuesday 3:30 - 5:30pm in 700 Open Space
Concert BandTuesday 3:30 - 5:30pm in 306
Big BandFriday lunchtime in 306 
Symphonic BandWednesday 3:30 - 5:30pm & Friday 3:30 - 4:45pm in 306
Wind EnsembleThursday 3:30 - 4:45pm in 306
Jazz BandThursday 3:30 - 5:30pm in 101
ChoirFriday lunchtime in 111

2024 Instrumental Music Fees 

A copy of the 2024 Instrumental Music Program fees is attached.  Also attached is a credit card payment form.  


Please note that Music fees cannot be paid via Compass. 


Music fees are to be paid via your family statement. If you do not receive a family statement via email, please contact our Accounts Department on 9430 5118 or by email at


The first instalment, which covers your Instrumental Music Lesson fee, is due for payment on the following dates for each ensemble.

Concert Band 

$1300.00 due for payment by 1 March 2024 - OVERDUE

Wind Ensemble 

$1200.00 due for payment by 1 March 2024 - OVERDUE

Chamber Strings 

$1300.00 due for payment by 1 March 2024 - OVERDUE

String Orchestra 

$1200.00 due for payment by 1 March 2024 - OVERDUE

Year 8 String Orchestra 

$1200.00 due for payment by 1 March 2024 - OVERDUE

Training Band 

$1100.00 due for payment by 26 April 2024 - OVERDUE

Training Strings 

$1100.00 due for payment by 26 April 2024 - OVERDUE

Symphonic Band 

$1750.00 due for payment by 7 October 2024

VCE Music 

$1950.00 due for payment by 7 October 2024

Please note for the Symphonic Band and VCE Music the first instalment is the Main Ensemble levy ($850.00), the second instalment is any other items that may be applicable, and the third instalment is the Instrumental Lesson fee.


Payment of the Music Fees can be made by completing and returning the credit card details on the attached form or by cash, BPay, credit card (over the phone by calling 9430 5118) or by cheque made payable to “Eltham High School”.  The music fees will appear on your family statement, not in the Compass Parent Portal.  


If you make a payment via BPay please ensure you email our Accounts Department at advising that the funds paid are for music fees.  If you do not email, they may allocate the funds to other areas. If you do not know your BPay reference number please contact the school’s Revenue Administrator, Jacinta D’Avoine on 9430 5118 or by email at


We encourage families to set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly re-payment plan to pay the annual music fees with our Revenue Administrator, Jacinta D’Avoine on 9430 5118 or by email at


The second instalment is for the Main Ensemble is now overdue.


The third instalment is for any other items that may be applicable i.e. instrument hire ($500.00), percussion equipment hire ($300.00), other ensembles - Stage Band ($500.00), Jazz Band ($500.00), Big Band ($250.00), Choir ($250.00 or if in a large ensemble $100.00).  

The third instalment is now also overdue.


Please do not hesitate to contact Jane Nicholson in the Music Office if you have any queries on telephone 9430 5127 or email:


Your prompt payment of the music fees is appreciated.  

RICK KEENAN, Director of Music