Senior School

2025 Course Selection Update 

WebChoices is now closed. Students will be advised of their subject allocations by early Term 4. Please contact Senior School if you have any questions. 

Year 12 – Unit 4 Connect Education Revision Lectures

These lectures will take place during the last week of Term 3, from Monday 16 to Thursday 19 September and opt-in. Payment and consent are required and can be completed via Compass.


Students who attended a Unit 3 lecture and wish to continue for Unit 4 will not be re-charged for the course guide, only the workshop. For further details, please see Compass.


Year 11/12 – Unit 3 & 4 Practice Examinations 

All Unit 3 & 4 students are required to sit Practice Examinations in the first week of the Term 3 break.


These exams will be sent to external examiners, and you will receive your papers with feedback in the first week of Term 4 to support your exam preparation.


The exam timetable is now available on Compass. If you encounter any scheduling conflicts, please attend the next available session. Be sure to arrive early and inform the chief supervisor, who will assist in locating your exam. Please note that each subject's exam will be posted to the examiner the day following the scheduled exam, so it's essential to choose a time either before or shortly after the original exam slot. If you have three exams scheduled on the same day, you may attempt to reschedule one for the next day, provided it is feasible, to ensure it is posted on time.


If you have any questions, please see your Year 12 Coordinator.

Key Dates

TERM 3, 2024

Unit 3&4 Connect Edn. revision workshops in 400s after school

Last week of Term 3 

(Monday 16 - Thursday 19)

End Term 3Friday 20 September
Year 12 Practice Exams during Term 3 study breakMonday 23 – Thursday 26 September


TERM 4, 2024

Year 12 Valedictory Rehearsal (during 12TUT period 3 in 101Monday 7 October 
Last Day Year 12 classesThursday 17 October
Year 12 BreakfastFriday 18 October
VCE Year 12 Written examinations (101)Tuesday 29 October – Wednesday 20 November 
Last Day Year 11 classesFriday 1 November 
Year 11 SWOTVACMonday 4 November 
Melbourne Cup DayTuesday 5 November 
Year 11 Examinations (101)Wednesday 6 – Tuesday 12 November 
Year 11→Year 12 Headstart Orientation 2025Wednesday 13 – Tuesday 26 November 
Valedictory evening (101) Thursday 21 November
Year 10 classes end prior to examsFriday 22 November
Year 10 Semester 2 Examinations (101)Monday 25 November – Monday 2 December (rescheduled exams only)
Year 10→Year 11 Headstart Orientation 2025Tuesday 3 – Monday 9 December 
Year 10 Interviews (as required)Tuesday 10 – Wednesday 11 December 
End Term 4Friday 20 December

AMANDA SALIBA, Senior School Team Leader