Junior School

Year 7 City Experience

Our Year 7s have returned from their City Experience having had a fantastic time together. We walked many steps, saw many sights and created lots of wonderful memories. Students represented our school well across both camps and as always, the presenters at the various workshops commented on their engagement and participation in the activities.


In our Involve sessions this week, we paused to reflect on the experience and to thank families and teachers for providing them with the opportunity - and the teaching staff would also like to thank families for their support of this initiative. We know that these experiences provide learning opportunities that are so valuable.


Without doubt, the addition of the Rock Climbing workshop was a hit with the students. We've included some photos and were delighted to hear from a range of students about why they enjoyed it - we've included a few of their responses here.


"My favourite activity at camp was the rock climbing! This was my favourite because I love climbing and going up really high 16ft tall walls, and it was a fun to learn how to be a balayer to help your partner get down safely!"  


"My favourite activity was rock climbing because it was exhilarating and allowed me to conquer my fear of heights."

With the end of the term fast approaching, we are looking forward to students bringing the learning they have engaged with on camp into their Expo work in Integrated Studies.


We are looking forward to welcoming families in to see students' work and share some photos and experiences from camp with you in the first week back of Term 4 when we will be opening the school to all families. 


On Wednesday 9 October from 3:30pm - 4:45pm all students will be required to attend an afterschool presentation session where they will be showcasing their work from Integrated Studies Term 3. Please save the date so that you can join us for this event.


Kids Teaching Kids Environmental Conference 

On Wednesday 4 September, Year 7 students Eoghan Delaney (Everard House), Edie Rosier (Skipper House), Cinta Hasseldine (Skipper House), Ava Kent (Skipper House), Ria Rastogi (Everard House), Lani Solly (Everard House), Tomas Stein (Everard House), Lily Suy (Skipper House) and Freya Wittenberg (Toner House) participated in a student led Environmental Conference held at Edendale Farm. The 'Kids Teaching Kids' event brought together a diverse group of schools from the Nillumbik and Banyule Shire areas, and we are proud to report that our dedicated Year 7 students represented us with an exceptional presentation on Renewable Energy and Building Design. 


The conference featured a series of student-led presentations focused on various environmental topics such as pollinator gardens in schools, kookaburra habitats, worm towers and human powered vehicles. 


A special thank you to Edendale Farm for hosting the event, and to our students for their hard work and dedication in preparing their presentation. An extra special acknowledgement to Ava, Lily and Eoghan who stepped up to MC the event without any notice! Our students’ involvement not only highlighted their commitment to environmental stewardship but also embodied the spirit of collaboration we value in our school community. 


We look forward to seeing our students apply the knowledge and inspiration gained from this conference in their future projects and continued efforts to make a positive impact on our world.  

MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader