Principal's Report

Student Achievement: Victorian ESSI Money Challenge

Congratulations to Matthew (Maccy) Kay (Year 10, Pakana House) for achieving an outstanding result in the ESSI Money Challenge, securing second place across Victoria in the 16-18 age group.


The ESSI Money Challenge is a prestigious competition that tests students' financial literacy, decision-making, and money management skills. Maccy's exceptional performance in this challenge demonstrates not only his impressive knowledge but also his dedication and hard work. Well Done, Maccy!


Staff vs Students Basketball

On Friday 23 August, we held our highly anticipated annual Staff vs Students basketball game, bringing together an enthusiastic crowd in the Show Court. With the students eagerly filling the stands, the pressure was on for the staff to regain their title from last year's matchup.


As the game unfolded, both teams displayed remarkable skills and determination. Despite some valiant efforts from Jett Williams (Year 12, Skipper House) and Abbey Vaughan (Year 12, Pakana House), the staff ultimately proved too strong, winning the game with a comfortable margin. An acknowledgment should also go to Mr Murray and Ms Harrington for efforts on both ends of the court.


Thank you to all those who attended. A special thank you to the students’ coach, Joe Maddocks (Year 12, Toner House), and umpire Jake Boyne (Year 12, Everard House).


Year 7 Camps

The Year 7 Camps proceeded to plan, and students reported having had a great time. The City Camp experience is one that supports transition as well as being aligned to the curriculum delivered through the Integrated Studies program. I was fortunate to visit one group of students last Thursday evening at the Rock-Climbing Wall in Swanston Street. Students were having lots of fun, but also learning to take calculated risks alongside building trust with their peers.


I commend the work of the Junior School Team, under the leadership of Melissa Hughes, for their organisation of the Camp. I also thank all our staff, both teachers and education support staff who took time out from their families to support this valuable experience for our students. Their work and commitment is greatly appreciated.


School Working Bees

Last Sunday 8 September, we held a very successful working be with approximately 45 participants. A great deal of work was done and it was great to see the number of students in attendance, all who gained points for their House.


It was great to see the number of people attend and work towards the improvement of the school grounds. A big thank you to all of them.


I wish to acknowledge Anna Panas, Assistant Principal, who works hard to support the work of the Grounds Committee and of course all members of the Grounds Committee who give up their time voluntarily to support plan and program for the Working Bees.


The Day of the Hail Storm

It seems to always happen that just as students are ready to depart for the day, it begins to rain, thunder, storm -  and even hail!


Regardless, our students are able to make light of the event and even gain some enjoyment from it, as seen in the following photos. They walked out of school with a smile on their faces regardless of the fact they were cold, and even possibly wet!


Student Safety at the Start and End of The School Day

I once again take the opportunity to remind parents/carers of the importance of obeying road rules all the time and especially in the vicinity of the school. I ask you all to be cautious around the children’s crossing and to always follow the guidance provided by the crossing supervisor.


It is important that you are constantly vigilant, watching for students whilst driving on Withers Way and Susan Street during peak times (8:30 – 9:00 and 3:00 – 3:30) and adhere to the speed limit.


I also remind you that the front of the administration building is a “No Standing” area during peak times; and you cannot queue there prior to pick-up. If you arrive early and your child is not standing at your pickup point you are required to drive through the circular drive and enter as many times as needed until your child is there for pick up.


If you have been fortunate to find a parking spot when entering the circular drive, we ask that you reverse park as this will reduce the risk of colliding with a student on their way out of the school as well as with other cars. 


It would also be reasonable and sensible for you to reverse park in the parking bays at the front of the school as this will reduce the risk of you backing out onto oncoming traffic when you leave.


Signage already exists in front of the administration area about it being a “No Standing” zone between 8:00 - 10:00 am and 2:00 - 4:00 pm. We are looking at installing additional signage reminding parents/carers to reverse park.


Please be aware that if these measures do not improve safety for our students especially at peak times we will engage with local authorities (Victoria Police and/or Council) to discuss the possibility of increased enforcement of parking restrictions and/or road rules. 


I look forward to your ongoing support with this matter.