
Premier League 2024 Finals

The 2024 Premier League Season entered its final day on Monday 2 September. This year Rowville hosted the finals. Six divisions played out a best of five match, Eltham was present in all 6 division finals and were in prime position to retain the Premier League Championship for a second year in a row.


Not all things went to plan for our Eltham teams. Eltham Senior Boys and Intermediate Boys were locked in a tense match, with sets going back and forth. Unfortunately, both teams would lose in the 5th set by small margins. The Year 8 boys convincingly won the first two sets of their final, the unfortunately couldn’t finish their opponent off, also losing in five sets.


With three runner ups from the boys, it was up to the girls to bring home the Premier League title for the school. The Intermediate Girls began the rescue mission with a strong result, winning in straight sets. The Senior girls also performed strongly winning their final in four sets. This left the junior girls final to not only determine the division winner but the overall Champion School. The girls were up against it, as they had not beaten their opponent all year. In another tense back and fourth match the junior girls won by the smallest of margins in the 5th set.


These results mean that Eltham High School retained the Premier League Champion School trophy for another year. Congratulations to all that were involved. Many teams represented the school throughout the course of the year, not just the teams that represented the school at the finals.


Final Results

  • Junior Boys – Runners Up
  • Junior Girls – Champions
  • Intermediate Boys – Runners Up
  • Intermediate Girls – Champions
  • Senior Boys – Runners Up
  • Senior Girls – Champions

Champion School

  1. ELTHAM              70 PTS
  2. ROWVILLE          65 PTS
  3. UPWEY                35 PTS 

School Holiday - Volleyball Camp

ANTHONY YOUNG, Volleyball Coordinator