Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus
Inclusive Play
What is inclusive play?
Inclusive play is friendly play. It is when we find a way to make sure everyone gets a chance to join in. At Boambee Public School we always try to find a way to include others in our play, sports or conversations.
- Say hello!
- Introduce yourself
- Invite them to join in
What is exclusion?
Exclusion is when we leave someone out on purpose or we tell them they can’t play with us. At Boambee Public school we are inclusive.
As part of this PBL lesson the students work with the Year 5 and 6 students across the school on Monday mornings. They explain the Boambee definitions above and then run through scenarios like the ones below to support students to understand how we approach this at Boambee Public School.
Scenario 1:
You are wanting to have some time to yourself, or even be with another friend for a while.
Question: Is it ok to want to be by yourself? Answer: Yes, of course it is.
Question: Is it ok to tell another student they can’t join you?
Answer: No it is not, unless a teacher has told you to have some time apart.
Scenario 2:
What do we do if we try to include someone but we still have a problem?
We seek help from a teacher. When we see a teacher that we know well, we explain how we tried and ask for help with a solution.
PBL Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:
KH - Octavia Mayers
KMB - Tamana Vatuvili
KW - Ivy Buckman
1D - Miila-Jayne Dummer
1L - Ivy Jeffery
2RG - Gideon McKay
2/3B - Brody Gee
3ML - Saoirse Scrivener
3N - Ace Williams
4S - Year 4 Camp
4M - Year 4 Camp
4/5WP - Sebastian Armstrong
5BG - Luca Prouin
6G - Noah Devine
6D - Mylee Jeffery