Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Congratulations Summer Barden!
Congratulations Summer Barden! Summer has been selected to represent NSW at the National PSSA Championships in Perth at the start of Term 4. We are very proud of you Summer and believe that this is thoroughly deserved.
Thank you Sawtell RSL
Recently the Sawtell RSL made a significant donation to Boambee Public School. This donation will go towards our PBL program and will provide full funding for another year. The Sawtell RSL's ongoing support for the wellbeing of our students is greatly appreciated and is crucial to the success of PBL.
Father's Day Stall and Breakfast
Thank you to all of the families who came and celebrated Father's Day Breakfast with us last week, it was a wonderful morning where we were able to say thanks to all of the special people in our lives.
A big thank you to the P & C, Mr Doyle, student helpers and parents for your help with the Father's Day Stall. A total of $1000 was raised for the Year 6 camp! Special thanks to Sonja, Kelly, Trudy, Kate, Renee, Rhawnie and Tas!
Bunnings BBQ
We also had a team of parents and staff volunteer their time on Father's Day at the Bunnings BBQ. Thank you to the Year 6 team for working so hard to reduce the cost of the Year 6 excursion. We haven't counted it up yet but it was a very successful day thanks to the hard work and organisation of the staff, students and parents of Year 6. It was really special to see many of our younger students make a special trip with their parents to come and buy a sausage. One of the cutest moments was when Dempsey in Year 1 brought along his own pocket money to buy sausages for his family on Father's Day.
Home Reading Target
Due to the success of the term 2 Home Learning Challenge, we are holding the challenge again in term 3.
We have a goal of 65% of students completing home learning, which means we are now targeting 1955 positive Sentral entries by the end of Week 9. Each time students complete home learning they also receive a special yellow Nunguu that gives them the chance of winning a special prize at each fortnightly assembly.
If the target is reached by the end of Week 9 we will hold a special Mufti Movie Day during Week 10. We are on track but need our students to keep working on this. Home reading is the best nightly bedtime routine. We encourage you to make a plan for this.
The yellow bar in the graph below shows our average % home learning.
Book Week 2024
This week Boambee Public School is celebrating Book Week. The Scholastic Book Fair will run in the library from Monday the 2nd of September to Friday the 6th of September. Our Annual Book Parade will be held on Friday the 6th of September starting at 10:00am, children will come dressed as their favourite book character.
School Support Recognition Week
Last week our Wellbeing Club and CAPA Club students delivered chocolates and handmade cards to our school support staff. For us, this includes our School Learning Support Officers (SLSO's) who support learning in the classroom, our General Assistant (Lee Dawson) who looks after our grounds, our canteen manager (Leanne), our cleaners (Rhett and Michael), our Aboriginal language and mentoring staff (Bryce and Kevin), our amazing front Office staff and our wonderful crossing supervisor Brenda.
This week provides an opportunity for the school community to express appreciation for the outstanding professionalism and resilience that our support staff display.
There is no doubt that our school’s success is a direct result of the team of staff that we have. Our support staff are an integral part of this team. They are professional, caring and competent. We appreciate what you do every day!
Principal's Awards
Harper Morison - 6D
Harper demonstrated excellent sportsmanship in the soccer knockout competition.
Isla Hanlon - 2/3B
Determination and a positive attitude to mountain biking.
Mahli Cattanach - KH
Mahli consistently displays a positive and cheerful attitude towards her learning and everyone that she meets.
Mason Brown - KH
Mason always takes on challenging tasks with a positive and eager attitude. Mason loves being challenged during learning tasks.
Freya Doyle - 4/5W
Being a calm and helpful team member.
Lilah Green - 5BG
Enthusiasm and dedication to Tournament of Minds.
Kiandra Archibald - 1D
Kiandra looked after another student who was upset. She was amazing at cheering them up.
Olivia Clayton - 3N
Outstanding commitment to her work and the school's PBL Values.
Lacey Sticker - 3N
Being a positive role model by demonstrating attentive listening and respectful behaviour in class.
Evelyn Cormick - 3N
For always being a kind, caring and respectful member of our class.
Annabel Sharpe - KMB
For excellent focus and a positive attitude in all learning areas.
Tahlia Houston - 1L
Wonderful improvement in reading fluency and comprehension.
School Photos
School photos have been sent home. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.