
New Victorian Teaching & Learning Model (VTLM) - "Essential Elements of Teaching and Learning"
The Victorian Government announced revisions to the VTLM. The revisions have been informed by the recent work of and collaboration with the Australian Education Research Organisation.
The revisions provide a clear and concise framework based on 4 effective learning processes and 4 core elements of the teaching process.
The 4 elements of learning are:
- student attention, focus and regulation
- knowledge and memory
- retention and recall
- mastery and application.
The 4 elements of effective teaching are:
- planning
- enabling learning
- explicit teaching
- supported application.
It is expected all schools, as needed, will develop their teaching and learning programs to reflect this framework across all learning areas and grade and year levels. Commencing in 2025, schools have 3 years to complete any necessary changes.
As part of our new 2024-2028 School Strategic Plan we will work to incorporate these Essential Elements of Teaching and Learning (including Essential Literacy Elements) into our Jackson Teaching & Learning Model.
For more information, refer to the revised VTLM 2.0
Prompt Hierarchy
Thank you Jess Richards (Inclusion Outreach Coach) for running a professional learning session this term on the Prompt Hierarchy. I have includes the slides from this session below.
The Inclusive Classrooms division have adapted this Prompt Hierarchy resource from The Autism Helper website by Sasha Long (2017). Prompts aren't cheating and are a necessary teaching tool to support our students to reach independence. We use prompt as adults in the real world all the time, including assistive technologies e.g. Google Maps. As you move up the list, prompts become less invasive and student's independence increases. Teachers and Education Support Staff can use this to prompt, assess and give feedback on student's learning and support them to become as independent as possible in a task. This can also support classroom teams to communicate with each other and/or document the level of support required for a student. The Jackson version below also considers the ASDAN Levels of Support.
Victorian Curriculum 2.0
The Learning SIT have commenced work this year on transitioning to the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 in 2025. Work is underway to modify the Goal Banks and Jackson Essential Curriculum to launch at the start of next year. The structure remains very familiar to the first iteration but includes updated content descriptions and achievement standards. It also includes three new foundation skills: Digital Literacy, Literacy and Numeracy.
Kelly and I attended a Think Tank session at the VCAA in Term 3. Following this, the Towards Foundation Curriculum (Levels A-D) has been delayed and will now be published mid-2025.
In the meantime, please find some resources about the changes which you may find of interest and a link to the new website. This will not affect student reporting requirements for Semester 2 2024. More to follow next year!