Eureka! Gardenvale Musical 2024

Gardenvale Primary’s School Musical for 2024
All Year 5 and 6 students and 2 students from each other class in the school.
ALEXANDER THEATRE, Monash University, Clayton
LEAD ROLE Rehearsal: Monday 9th September 12.00pm-5.00pm Alexander Theatre
FULL CAST rehearsal: Tuesday 10th September 9.00am–2.45pm - Alexander Theatre
OPENING NIGHT: Tuesday 10th September 7.30 pm Alexander Theatre
MATINEE Wednesday 11th September 11.00 am Alexander Theatre
NIGHT TWO: Wednesday 11th September 7.30 pm Alexander Theatre
EVENING SHOW: Thursday 12th September 5.30 pm Alexander Theatre
Dear Gardenvale Community,
Just a little house keeping:
- Doors for the audience will open one hour before the show start time. No one will be allowed in prior. The auditorium will open ½ hour before each show. Late comers will be asked to wait up the back until the first song is finished.
- No photos or filming of the show. Alexander Theatre Staff will be supervising this.
- Only designated parent helpers are allowed backstage. Students will be dropped at backstage door and their names marked off. Staff will take them to their rooms.
- Students MUST NOT have mobile phones backstage. These will be confiscated.
- Students can bring a snack/water bottle – no yoghurt/chewing gum/messy food please.
Please see below the arrangements for next week for the Year 5 and 6 Students.
Monday 9th September – Speaking Roles only (not dance/singing troupes). School uniform.
- 46 students bussed at 12.00 to Theatre. Please pack lunch and water bottle.
- Parents to collect students from Theatre at 5.00pm.
Tuesday 10th September – School Uniform - Whole Cast Rehearsal. Please pack lunch and water bottle. Bring props.
- Students bussed to Alexander Theatre at 9.00am from school and will return at by 3.00pm
Tuesday 10th September – PERFORMANCE 1 - 7.30PM – Dressed in Costume 1.
Please bring snack/water bottle
- Speaking Leads to arrive at Theatre by 6.00pm
- Full Cast to arrive at Theatre by 6.30 pm
- All students enter backstage door. Students MUST have name marked off by teacher at door.
- Show is approximately 2 ½ hours.
- Year 5 and 6 students released through backstage door at finish. Must mark off name as leaving.
- Prep to Year 4 Choir released through auditorium.
Wednesday 11th September – PERFORMANCE 2 – MATINEE – 11.00am.
Snack/water bottle
- Students come to school in costume.
- Students bussed to Alexander Theatre at 9.30am from school and will return at by 2.30pm
Wednesday 11th September – PERFORMANCE 3 – 7.30PM. Dressed in Costume 1. Snack/water bottle
- As for Tuesday night.
Thursday 12th September – PERFORMANCE 4 – 5.30 pm (note earlier time). Dressed in Costume 1. Please bring snack/water bottle.
- Speaking leads to arrive at Theatre by 4.15pm
- Full Cast to at 4.45 pm.