Hello from our teachers and students

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Hello from Grade 5/6WP


Wow! It is the start of another new year and it has definitely gotten off to a great one. We have been busy establishing our classroom routines and expectations to set us all up for a successful year here in Room 6.


In the first few weeks we have really dived deep into our school's core values of:



These are values in 5/6WP we endeavor to show each and every day! This includes in the classroom, in the yard and to each other (staff, students, visitors... everyone!)

We created these posters when we brainstormed together what we think our values look, sound and feel like to us!


As well as discussing our routines, expectations and values, we have also been busy getting to know each other and completing our day-to-day activities of reading, writing, maths, spelling... and the list goes on! There is always lots to do.

One of our favourites though, has been spending time with and getting to know our Foundation/One buddies with Mrs Lowe.


Here are some happy snaps of our time we have spent helping these students settle in and complete some different learning tasks.



Happy goal setting week :)

Miss Wadley