Faith Formation and Mission

Mr Sandy Abbey | Assistant Principal - Faith Formation and Mission

The start of 2024 has been a busy time of mixed emotions with both celebrations and moments of mourning occupying the rhythm of school life. Following the loss of two of our Year 12 students, services were held in the Prentice Chapel for staff and students to gather and mourn the tragic loss of Violet Chanter and Chkye Tracz. These services have assisted in the grieving process for our school community through the sharing of stories, tears and laughter. At the Opening Liturgy on Thursday 8th February, two candles decorated in memory of Chkye and Violet were presented and will be lit at each event where Year 12 gather this year.

Opening Liturgy

The Opening Liturgy also provided an opportunity to welcome the many new faces joining our College community in 2024, including over 160 new Year 7 faces. The theme for the liturgy was “The New Dawn” and led the school community to reflect on how we can make the most of the new beginnings the new school year brings. Students from each house brought forward their house lanterns, which placed together, were a lovely reflection of the collective light which shines through the Spirit of Chevalier as we aim to imitate Jesus’ example. Fr John, in his homily, reminded us of our universal call to be open and welcoming people of one heart which was demonstrated as the community blessed and welcomed new students and staff.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

In Week 3 the school marked the commencement of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Liturgy which was wonderfully led by our Year 12 Liturgy Captains, Millie and Jess. The school community was reminded of the importance of Lent in making space in our lives for our faith and relationships, and the importance of removing busyness and distractions. Our House Captains marked each student’s forehead with ash, an ancient symbol of repentance and humility.

Project Compassion

Our annual Project Compassion appeal is running during Lent. Project Compassion aims to raise financial support for Caritas Australia who work to improve the lives of the most vulnerable throughout the world. This year, Project Compassion focuses on the stories of three resilient women – Ronita, Leaia and Memory – from three different corners of the world. They are facing vastly different challenges, but are all united by one dream: to create a better tomorrow for all future generationsOur Social Justice Captains – Sheridan and Mia – are coordinating Year 12 students who are volunteering to carry water containers around the school to experience what Leaia’s community in Samoa experience on a daily basis as they carry fresh water over vast distances.


Students can contribute by donating to the Project Compassion boxes in homeroom or online using the following links for each house:


Burford -

Osborne -

Clancy -

Giles -

Reid -

Riversdale -


You can also donate to the school’s page using this link:


Reid House will also be hosting a bake stall on 20th March to help support the cause.


Year 7 Retreats

Over the past couple of weeks, Year 7 students have had the opportunity to experience their first retreat at the College. The Year 7 Retreat aims to welcome students to Chev by providing them with a gentle introduction into the MSC charism and the history of Chevalier College. It also provides them with an opportunity to reflect on how they can find their place within the Chev community and affirms the valuable contributions they already make through their presence. A highlight of the day for many students is the pilgrimage around the grounds with Fr John Mulrooney msc who provides students with a wealth of information. Here are some of the comments students have made about the retreat experience:

  • “I learnt about the MSC values and what it means to be MSC people” – Hamish F
  • “I like how Chev is described as one big family” – Alicia S
  • “I really enjoyed walking around the school with Father John and learning lots of cool new facts about Chev” – Ava S
  • “I got to bond and learn more about my friends, and engage in several learning activities to let us get to know each other better” – Felix
  • “I learnt that Chev is so much more than just a school” – Angus

Heart of Life

Heart of Life is a ministry of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC), established to bring people together to learn, reflect and be formed in Heart Spirituality.


In our 40 years of service, we are proud to say that our formation programs change lives as they deepen participants’ relationship with the Divine, equip them to listen to their own hearts and enable them to better walk alongside others in the world.


If you would like to learn more about Heart of Life and their formation programs, please visit the website here:


200th anniversary of Jules Chevalier's birth

Next Friday, 15 March is the 200th anniversary of Jules Chevalier's birth. Please find attached the Novena shared by the International Chevalier Family in preparation for the 200th anniversary of Jules Chevalier's birth next Friday.