Teaching and Learning

Mrs Rebecca Graham | Senior Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning

HSC High Achievers Assembly

At our Opening Liturgy we took the opportunity to welcome back many of the 2023 HSC High Achievers and their families, and congratulate them on their accomplishments. We also had the pleasure to see their study, work and travel plans for 2024 and beyond.


Chevalier had 21 students with amazing Band 5 and 6 results. 25 courses were above state average!


Special mention of the influence, direction and support of the Chevalier teachers was made by DUX Dhyana Shah. Guidance of teaching staff along with a lot of hard work ensured the 2023 cohort achieved outstanding success.


Dhyana also reminded each student to take advantage of the many opportunities that are afforded them at Chev.


Congratulations and good luck in your future endeavours year 12, 2023. May the MSC heart-centred approach to learning and living carry you forward and keep you in good stead.

Here you can see the publication celebrating the Class of 2023 achievements.

Future not Followers

Selected Stage 4 and 5 female students are learning practical, real-world units of inquiry, thanks to the input of a range of expert speakers. Today the students were engaged in listening to the wisdom and advice of four interesting and accomplished panelists:

  •  Erin Acton, Business Development at the University of Wollongong
  •  Kellie Stapleton, GM of Peppers Manor House, Sutton Forest
  •  Tanya Schiller, CEO of BDCU, and
  •  Lisa Fowler, Financial Controller at Austruss