Principal's Address

Mr Greg Miller

Celebrating International Women's Day: Inspiring Inclusion at Chevalier College 


Dear Chevalier College Community, 


Today, March 8, is International Women's Day.


It's an opportune moment for us all to reflect on the importance of women's inclusion and empowerment in our community and beyond. This year, the campaign theme for International Women's Day is 'Inspire Inclusion', a powerful call to action that resonates deeply with our values here at Chevalier College. 


Inclusion is not just a buzzword; it's a fundamental principle that shapes our interactions, our policies, and our vision for the future. When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we are actively contributing to the creation of a better world. At the heart of inclusion lies a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment. When women themselves feel inspired to be included, they not only thrive, but also become catalysts for positive change in our society. 


As members of the Chevalier College community, we have a collective responsibility to foster inclusion in every aspect of our lives. With regard to the inclusion of women, we need to look no further than Jules Chevalier, Founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.


In 1854 Father Jules Chevalier was thinking of founding a society of men whose mission it would be to cure the evils of that time by leading people to the Heart of Christ as the healing source of life, he asked Our Lady for help. Having experienced her powerful intercession several times, he felt that, out of gratitude, his society should honour her in a special way. 

Eventually he invoked her with the title "Our Lady of the Sacred Heart" and the devotion to Mary with that title spread rapidly in all continents. A confraternity with that name was founded and reached 18 million members in 1891. The Congregation of Sisters cofounded by Father Chevalier and Marie Louise Hartzer are called the 'Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart'. The feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is celebrated nowadays on the last Saturday of May. 



Whether it's in our classrooms, our workplaces, or our social circles, we must strive to understand, value, and seek out the inclusion of women and girls and promote opportunities for them. At Chevalier, we offer a number of opportunities for girls to participate in all subject offerings provided by the College, as well as a broad range of extracurricular activities including musical productions, sport, public speaking and debating, bands, ensembles, dance and drama – as indeed we should! 


On an organisational level, there are numerous ways in which we can #InspireInclusion. We can actively work towards women's economic empowerment, ensuring that opportunities for growth and success are accessible to all. We can recruit, retain and develop diverse talent, recognising the invaluable contributions that women bring to the table. We can support women and girls in leadership roles, decision-making positions, and fields such as business and technology, where they have historically been under-represented.  


Our College Captain, Sarah R, Vice Captain Olivia H and Academia Captain Risha B, along with Assistant Principal -Wellbeing Kelly Clunn had the pleasure to attend The Southern Highlands International Women's Day Breakfast at The Centennial Vineyards.


They report that you could feel the positive and empowering mood in the room where many women and young ladies from the community gathered and rallied together to celebrate International Women’s Day. They were fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to four inspiring keynote speakers who shared their journeys and experiences reflecting on both their personal and professional worlds.


As recently as Monday this week, seventeen girls from Years 8 and 9 commenced a four-week course known as Future Not Followers. Future Not Followers is a 4-week hybrid program designed for high school girls to facilitate financial freedom by bridging the gap between school-taught financial literacy, and how to apply that knowledge in a practical, real-world environment.Future Not Followers offers practical, real-world units of inquiry. Thanks to the input of expert speakers Tanya Schiller, CEO of BDCU, Erin Acton, Business Development at University of Wollongong, Kellie Stapleton, GM of Peppers Manor House, and Lisa Fowler, Financial Controller at Austruss, students were presented with real scenarios and authentic case studies. They emerge from this course better equipped to understand their world, their finances and themselves. For more information, click on this link


Members of the community, whether through the media or other public forums, regularly express the desire to design and build infrastructure that meets the specific needs of women and girls, whether it's in terms of healthcare, education or finance. At Chevalier, we strive to provide access to quality education and training, empowering our girls to pursue their dreams and fulfil their potential. In healthcare, just this week the Federally funded and approved Periods, Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis Program (PPEP) was delivered to Year 9-12 girls, coinciding with Endometriosis Awareness month. The PPEP Talk® has been updated with critical research in the science and management of pelvic pain and endometriosis, and is well received for health confidence and increased support of others.  


Whilst there has been good work done at Chevalier for decades, starting with the decision for co-education classes and enrolment by Father John Franzmann in the 1970s, there is more work to be done, both at a local and global level, to support the advancement of women and girls. 


As we celebrate International Women's Day this year, and guided by our Founder Jules Chevalier, let us not only recognise the progress we have made but also acknowledge the work that still lies ahead. Let us recommit ourselves to the cause of inclusion, knowing that together, we can forge a more inclusive world for women - one where they are valued, respected, and empowered to thrive. 


Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the values of inclusivity and equality here at Chevalier College. 


Warm regards, 

Greg Miller  





Image courtesy of depicting the Sacred Heart Basilica in Issoudun, France.