Teaching & Learning News

Students in MC08 tried their hand at cooking Lasagne. It looks like they did a Steller job!
A very special visitor helped MC11 students with an activity. Students are measuring their own height to track their growth each term.
Ms Green's daughter Sammy had her measurements recorded.
Mrs Brown gets a ride on the newly renovated trike at the Tenterfield Railway Station Museum!
MC11 are enjoying their woodwork lessons with Mr Sproule.
Aged Care Visits
Students attending aged care on Wednesday afternoon in lieu of sports activities. Our students & residents enjoyed this experience last year and we are thankful for the opportunity to continue this again.
Mr. Jones Year 9/10 Agriculture students learnt how to shear with Ex THS student John Magner! Some students were complete naturals at the task!
In Mr Clay's Year 10 Science lesson, students were given a challenge to see who could make the biggest bubble. They had fun mixing dishwashing liquid & glycerin, check out the results!
Mrs Parker's Year 7 Science class testing their home-built water filters in class yesterday!
Mrs Parker’s Yr10 Science class investigating reaction times and distractions for their Motion topic.
Mrs Parkers Yr 7 Science class and Yr 9 High Performance and Potential group practicing microbiology skills with the Amgen Biotechnology Experience from the University of Sydney at THS.
Mr Sproule is very proud of his Year 8 woodwork students. They have achieved a lot already in Term 1 & are now working on these fantastic chopping boards! Keep up the consistent work everyone.
The heat was on in the Science laboratory today. Mrs Parker's Year 11 chemistry students completed their first assessment task, a gravimetric analysis.
Mrs Parker’s Yr 11 Chemistry class learning micropipetting techniques whilst the AMGEN biotechnology experience is here at THS. Mr Armstrong collected this speciality equipment from Sydney University for students to utilise over the final weeks of term.
Mr Armstrong’s Year 12 Biology students completed the first part of their Amgen biotechnology depth study this week.
Mr Cook is extremely proud of his Year 7 Bronze award recipients. Students must receive 25 positive Sentral entries to be eligible for a bronze award. Well done everyone, keep up the great work!