First Steps Centre

Kinder Dates and Notifications:

  • Twilight Sports: 29th February - Kinder race at 4:45 pm 
  • Kindergarten Family Picnic -14th March 5:00-6:00 pm. More details to come. 
  • Family Breakfast: 28th March- 7:30am on-wards. 


The 3 Year Old children have been focusing on routines and transitions. It is great to see how well they are quickly learning these and showing enjoyment through shared activities. The children are connecting through play and shared experiences such as making playdough together. 


It has been a wonderful week across all 4 Year Old groups. We have had discussions around expectations, acts of kindness/filling buckets and emotions. It has been wonderful creating a morning routine and getting to know each other. We had another wonderful session with the grade 4 buddies this week and we look forward to a fun term with them joining us each week. Next week we will have a practice running race in preparation for Twilight Sports!

The Kindergarten team!