Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News: 

Selamat Siang


On your marks, get set GO! Swim! Swim! Swim! As you might be reading this newsletter our wonderful students our splashing and dashing their way down the Oakleigh Recreation Centre pool as today is our Senior Swimming Carnival. We wait in anticipation to see which house comes out on top! 

3, 2, 1 …GO! Our annual Twilight Sports Carnival is next Thursday, February 29th!

Students have been working hard during PE sessions to practise their races and activities! We have been blown away by the amount of perseverance and teamwork that students have demonstrated! We look forward to welcoming you at school from 4.30pm! There will be a BBQ run by the Parents& Friends committee where soft drinks, burgers and sausages can be purchased! You can also bring a picnic dinner. 

See below for our flyer:


Specialist Reminder - Please bring your hats and drink bottles to P.E. sessions, and apply sunscreen if possible! 


Have a great weekend, Terima Kasih! 

The Specialist Team

Pupil of the Week

Visual Arts

Junior - Debyansh J (1/2E)

For demonstrating creativity and perseverance when designing your Sun and Moon pattern artwork!


Senior - Ben S (3/4K)

For demonstrating a love of learning when creating your Lunar Dragon Art!


Junior - Jennessa C (FE)

For fantastic teamwork during our human body fingerprint investigation. 


Senior - Brax R (3/4K)

For using your maths skills to help your peers calculate their heart rates. So great to see your love of learning!


Junior - Amy W, FC

For showing curiosity when learning different facts about Indonesia and demonstrating your knowledge of colours! 


Senior - Kitraa S, 5/6C

For introducing yourself in Indonesian in full sentences! You have leapt into Indonesian with bravery and a love of learning. 

Physical Education

Junior - Olivia F (1/2E)

For demonstrating leadership and teamwork when helping her classmates prepare for the twilight sports sprint practice.


Senior - Troy M (3/4B)

For demonstrating a never give up attitude and so much perseverance when practising your skipping whilst running.