Parents & Friends

We held our AGM and first General Meeting on 1 March 2024. It was great to welcome back existing members and also welcome new members Erin Cowan, Emma Doller and Lucy Richards. Positions appointed were:
Co-Presidents: Rachelle Robinson & Keira Birchmore
Secretary: Erin Brown
Treasurer: Amanda Davies
We are all excited for another year of supporting the school!
We would love to see some male members involved with supporting the school too - calling all Dads, Grandads and other male significant role models to join the committee! The children love to see you around the school at the different fundraising events and would love new ideas from a different perspective. Please direct your interest to a member of the committee or to the school.
Our first fundraiser for the year is the much loved Easter Raffle. Please support this by donating Easter goodies! Baskets are located in the foyer to place your donations. Tickets are available via Qkr! for $2.00 each, and will be drawn at the end of term assembly. Funds raised will go towards badminton equipment.
We are also supporting the 150th anniversary celebration with a BBQ and drink stall. We are seeking volunteers to help assist with the stall. If you are able to help in any way, which would be greatly appreciated, please let the school or Keira Birchmore know.
We also have an exciting new raffle planned for Term 2 - stay tuned for details!