Principal Contract Renewals

From Monday 26 February, eduPay will substitute the briefings and correspondence system, and the SharePoint database in supporting the workflow and dashboard reporting functions for the Principal Contract Renewal process. This standardised process will enable eduPay to be the single point of truth for contracts providing organisation wide visibility.
The workflow for Central and Regional admins has been streamlined to allow for more efficient and accurate processing. Data Insights will be available in eduPay to allow admins and executives to track contract renewals to ensure Principals get their renewals on time, every time. eduPay notifications and automated emails will prompt all involved in the process that there is an action awaiting their attention, like other functions in eduPay.
This will provide Principals with an automated and streamlined contract execution process, enabling them to view their renewal offer letters and accept their contract in eduPay, with a simple click of a button.
Training has been scheduled for support teams and regional staff involved in the new automated process with an easy-to-follow Support Guide created for Principals.
A Full Guide is also available showing steps for each assignee in the whole end to end process in eduPay.