Parents & Friends

Thank you!

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped at the first working bee for 2024. The school is looking fabulous and everyone's contributions are very much appreciated.


A big shout out also to the Grade 4 parents for running this afternoon's cake stall - the first for 2024!

Easter Raffle

With Easter not too far away, it's time for our annual Easter Raffle with the proceeds going towards P&F fundraising for the school community.


We are collecting donations for the Easter Hampers (for each year level) in the front foyer until Friday 22 March. Both chocolate and non-chocolate items are welcome to be dropped off in the marked box.


Tickets for the raffle are $2 each or $15 for 10 tickets. Ticket forms and instructions will be sent home with students this week. Additional copies will be available at the office if you would like to purchase more. The ticket collection box will be in the school foyer, near the Principal's office.  Please return tickets by Monday 25 March.


The Easter Raffle will be drawn at assembly on the last day of term - Thursday 28 March.

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 12 March - School Fete Information Evening

As planning begins for our School Fete in November, we would like to extend an invitation for you to attend an information evening.  


Date: Tuesday 12 March

Time: 6.45pm

Location: School Staff Room 


The purpose of this evening is to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the upcoming School Fete, its significance to our school community and how your participation can make a meaningful impact. Your involvement and support are crucial in making this event a resounding success, which will ultimately benefit our children. 


If you have not done so already, can you please RSVP to the Operoo that went out earlier this week, or contact the school office on 9528 1614 so we can cater accordingly. 


Saturday 20 April - Parents Fundraising Party 

This is one of our major fundraisers for the year so if you have any auction items / raffle prizes and/or you would like to help out, please get in touch with us at

Tickets will go on sale next week.