Junior School News

St John Ambulance First Aid Incursion

This week, our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students undertook a First Aid training session led by St John Ambulance Australia, where the children learned the importance of First Aid and what to do in the event of an emergency.

The informative session focused on the essential skills and knowledge that children can call upon in an emergency situation: how to spot DANGER in an emergency, RESPOND accordingly, and SEND for help. 

The engaging presenters read a storybook where the children saw how the character ‘Johnny Bear’ identified an emergency, put the Danger, Response, and Send for help strategy into action, and sought help by calling 000. The students then learned a first-aid chant with accompanying movements to help them remember what to do in an emergency. 

The students participated in the fun and interactive games and end-of-lesson first aid quiz with enthusiasm. Read below as some children share their learning and experiences with you!


Xavier, Prep M: "When there is an emergency you need to call for help and check if they are ok. You also call an ambulance by doing 000!"


Sailor, Prep A: " We listened to a story about Super Ted. He was kind because he helped someone who was hurt. I got a sticker and a certificate!"


Ned, 1J: "First aid is when you help someone who is hurt. You check for danger by looking, listening, and smelling."


Jack, 1N: "If someone is hurt really bad you call Triple 0 and ask for an ambulance. You need to tell them where you are. We got a card to take home so we can practise remembering our address."


Abi, 2L: "We learned what to do when someone gets hurt. First, you check for danger, then you squeeze their shoulders to see if they are awake, and then you find an adult to help. You also call 000! It was fun to learn this because now I know what to do if there's danger."


Willow, 2N: "We learned about emergencies and practiced with a partner. We squeezed their shoulders gently to see if they were awake or not. I know to call 000 to get help!"