It's Good Soil

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

I am not a gardener. Truthfully, I do not have much success at all when it comes to plants, trees and flowers… but thankfully, God has blessed my husband with a passion for planting, pruning, weeding and hedging! As a result, our gardens are flourishing. They are well watered and cared for, and I delight in picking the ‘fruits of his labour’ and gathering fruits and veggies for the family to eat or flowers to simply enjoy.


There is a lot of ‘planting’ that takes place at DCC every day. It is the kind of planting that nurtures, waters and promotes growth. It is planting that is carefully considered, prayerfully discerned and strategically implemented. It is the planting of our Primary School learners in an environment of ‘good soil’ where God is the centre and the foundation of all that we say and do. 


Like the gardener who carefully tends to the plants, the staff work collaboratively to provide opportunities for ‘watering’ to occur. We desire young learners to wonder, young hearts to respond and young people to grow in the truth of God’s love and His purposes for their lives. As good soil provides the right environment for flourishing to take place, our classrooms, our assemblies, our learning experiences and our daily conversations provide the right environment for healthy growth and flourishing for every member of our community. 


We have delighted in welcoming our littlest learners in Prep to the DCC garden – a place where they are learning how to be grounded in Christ and planted in good soil with routines and expectations clearly explained by nurturing teachers. It is a treat to watch them settle, to see their ‘roots’ take hold as they develop a sense of belonging in their classrooms and in the wider community.


Our deep hope is that everything that we do will enable growth and promote flourishing – from Prep to Year 6 – as we seek to prepare young people for learning today and tomorrow, and equip them for a life of service in the years ahead. It is a privilege for every staff member to partner with our parent community in this mission at DCC, and to see our community flourish as a result!