Teaching and Learning

Swimming & Water Safety Program
Our students are progressing with these weekly sessions. Spectators are welcome to join us at the pool (our lessons begin at 2.10pm and run until 2.50pm). Whilst these lessons will not be enough on their own to provide your child/ren with correct techniques or absolute safety in the water, they will serve as an opportunity to help your child/ren out of difficulty should they fall into water and if already able to swim to further improve their skills.
We trust each family received the swimming gift pack sent home on Wednesday. These packs of a towel, bathers and goggles were made available via State School Relief. If you don't think you will be able to make use of any of the supplies, please feel free to pass them onto another family for use.
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
We have been discovering things about 2 dimensional shapes in Mathematics. Last week we experimented with a range of shapes to see if we could get them to tessellate. We have also been discovering different methods for adding and subtracting and deciding for ourselves which ones we like best and are more efficient. Our Mathematics lessons always have a hands-on element and involve time for students to explore concepts and be challenged at their point of need.
As part of our Reading and Writing Program we undertake multiple sessions that focus around what we term a Mentor Text. This means a high quality text (usually a picture story book) that has been carefully selected for specific features. We learn new vocabulary from the text, determine the genre of the book and answer comprehension questions related to what we have read. Our writing for the fortnight is centered around the central themes of the text. The photos above show the story maps that the students have created to sequentially retell the story, Twinkle, written by Nick Bland.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
Integrated Studies
We are now four weeks into our in-depth study of the body systems and so far we have covered the skeletal and muscular system. The kids have thoroughly enjoyed creating their own life size replications of the systems which you can see from the photos. I will share photos of our finished wall at the end of term.
We are striving to build life long readers in our school, which means we need to give our students access to books that they enjoy reading, not just texts for reading instruction. With the help of Sue Gentry, our magnificent MARC teacher, the kids selected 2 books of their choice that will become a part of their daily reading program. They have also borrowed their own books that they will be able to bring home and read with their parents.
MARC Library News from Mrs Gentry
A reminder that our MARC Library sessions are held each Thursday fortnight (dates of session are on the Important Dates page). Last session we celebrated Library Lovers Day and the students created hearts to communicate their love for reading and books.
Art News from Miss Duffy
We have been busy learning about the use of shape and line in our sessions. Over the past two weeks we have each designed a Rainbow Paper City using straight sided shapes as our basis, then adding some curved lines and patterns for detail. We were inspired by the colourful work of artist Huang Yung-Fu who saved his Taiwanese village by painting it with bright colours.