From the Office

News From the Principal
School Leaders
Our two school leaders spent a night in Melbourne as part of their participation in the National Young Leader's Conference. Not only did they attend the full-day conference at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre and listen to some inspiring leaders as well as join in games and activities, but they also were able to experience some "city life". They caught trams, trains, selected their own food and paid for it, watched a Chinese New Year Celebration and were able to stay in a city motel (buffet breakfast included, if you don't mind).
Here is a wrap up of the girls' thoughts about their experience:
Lily- I loved going to Melbourne because we learned about how to travel to and around the city. I loved the food and all of the people that you can watch. At Young Leaders I learned about different peoples' lives and how hard they have worked to be leaders. My favourite speaker was Jane Bunn because she is not just a weather girl she is a meteorologist and knows heaps about the weather. I would recommend Young Leaders to others because you get heaps of good advice.
Kiara- My favourite part about Young Leaders was that we were able to listen to the speakers' stories and we were able to write down notes about the parts that were important to us. My favourite speaker was Anastasia Woolmer who is the Australian Memory Champion. I would recommend going to Young Leaders for school children because it is a great way to learn how other leaders act. I loved the experience of going to Melbourne because I enjoyed the train and tram travel and seeing the Chinese New Year display and show.
Swimming Sports
On Monday our Year 3-6 students competed in the Campaspe Small Schools Cluster Swimming Sports. All students competed with determination and a huge smile on their faces. Congratulations to all of our competitors- I did hear a rumor that a couple of them were extremely tired when they arrived home. A reminder that our whole-school swimming program continues until the end of this term.
Student Arrival at School
We totally understand that there are occasions when parents may need to drop their kids at school earlier than they would regularly arrive. However, please be mindful that whilst I am here most days quite early, there are days when I am not onsite (due to meetings) or I am here but due to be in Bendigo for an 8.45am meeting and therefore, not able to supervise your child/ren. Whilst the teaching staff often onsite by 8.30am or just after, their required onsite arrival time is not officially until 8.45am (so they are under no legal obligation to be here earlier). Therefore, can I please ask that if you do need to drop your child at school earlier, that you text me beforehand (preferably the day before) so I can make arrangements for someone to be onsite or an alternative place that you could drop your child (ie another parent's house or earlier bus stop) so that they are safe. Please do not assume because you see a car here that someone is onsite and available to supervise, as there are occasions when a car is left here, due to "hitching a ride" with someone else to attend a meeting. Thank you for your understanding.
Clean Up Australia/Raywood
The official Schools' Clean Up Day is Friday March 1st, however as Hayden and myself will be in Melbourne at a maths conference, we have elected to do our clean up on Monday March 4th. We will leave school at 10am and begin our clean up. If anyone would like to join us for this event, just meet us at the gate at 10am. We have plenty of specialised Clean Up Australia bags and gloves. We aim to be back by 11am, in time for recess.
Smile Squad is coming to this school
As outlined thoroughly in the previous newsletter and in communication sent home, you have the wonderful opportunity to access free dental care for your school- aged child. Last year, most of our school families took up this offer and the dentists were able to diagnose some potential issues, which in turn have saved our families hundreds of dollars in future dental care. Even if you have a family dentist, this opportunity for free services is too good to pass up. Please refer to packs sent home or the previous newsletter for information. Thank you to those families who have returned forms or signed up online.
School Council News
Council met on Tuesday February 20th for our first meeting of the year. We welcomed Julian Ashley to council. Your 2024 parent representatives are Jarrod Blake, Bree Blake, Lisa Ashley, Julian Ashley and Jess Chalkley. Department of Education Representatives are Lisa Duffy and Hayden Collins. Our community member is Marcus Uren (our local police officer).
Council generally meet twice per term for around an hour and discuss the future direction of the school, approve budgets and spending as well as policies. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, March 25th at 5 pm.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
News From Bree in the Office
I kindly remind you that there are a few families who have not yet paid for their uniforms. Please fix your account as soon as possible or contact me to arrange a payment plan.
Unfortunately, payment for uniforms will now be required before collection.
At our school, we have a uniform stock available of logo hoodies, logo polo shirts, logo hats, and skorts. for purchase at any time. However, we are currently phasing out logo skorts, and we only have a few size selections left in stock. If you're looking for navy blue skorts, shorts, or pants, you can find them at any clothing store such as Target, Big W, or Kmart. They are available in their uniform section at a very reasonable price.
Raywood Primary Uniform shop prices
Hats - $10.00
Skorts - $15.00
Polos - $16.00
Jumpers - $26.00
If you need to purchase or have any questions about uniforms, please contact me.
CSEF Reminder
I just wanted to remind you that the CSEF (Camp, Sport and Excursion Fund) application forms have been sent home with your child. It is important to return these forms as soon as possible to ensure that your child receives the funding they are entitled to.
For those who have already returned the forms, thank you very much for your prompt response, it is much appreciated.
If you need another application form, please let me know and I will gladly provide it to you.
The CSEF program is designed to provide financial assistance to eligible families to help cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities. For more information regarding CSEF please see below.
If you have any questions or concerns about the CSEF program, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over terms one and two.
Families can list more than one student in one application form if they are attending the same school.
The Camps, Sports, and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:
-school camps or trips.
-swimming and school-organised sports programs
-outdoor education programs
-excursions and incursions.
The CSEF payment cannot be used towards books, stationery, or school uniforms. Schools will need permission before allocating CSEF funds and a credit note will stay on the family account until the family advises the school on how they want the funds allocated.
Applications can be entered from 31 January 2024. Parents/carers wishing to apply for CSEF payments for 2024 must submit their application form to the school by the 20th of March 2024.
However, a parent/career will only be required to submit an application form to the school in the following circumstances:
-the parent/career is applying for the CSEF payment for the first time – i.e. an application form was not lodged with the school in the previous year; or
-circumstances have changed – e.g. there has been a change in the care arrangement of the student, a change of name or CRN, or a new sibling has commenced at the school and the parent/career wishes to apply for the CSEF payment for the new sibling.
Thanks, Bree