Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Year 5 Science and Technology
Year 5 have been discovering more about the growth and survival of living things, and how their adaptations over time suit their environment. It can be hard to imagine how any form of life could survive in the extreme temperatures and dryness of a desert environment. Yet even in such places an amazing diversity of plants and animals can still be found. Their structural features and adaptations not only help them to survive but thrive under these conditions. It provides an opportunity for students to explore some of the structural features and adaptations of desert plants and animals, and to compare them with plants and animals that live in other environments. Students are working towards completing the task based around the following scenario: “The year is 2050, many more animal species have become extinct around the world. Some are adapting to their loss of habitat better than others. Some species may survive due to their ability to deal with certain physical conditions.” Students will research, evaluate, and produce an informative text on a chosen organism (living thing) and what adaptations it has developed (structural and/or behavioural) to survive in its specific habitat. We look forward to seeing what the students come up with.
Year 6 History
Year 6 have been learning about Australia as a nation, framed around the question ‘Does democracy mean freedom?’ This topic moves from colonial Australia to the development of Australia as a nation, particularly after 1901. Students are exploring the factors that led to Federation and experiences of democracy and citizenship over time. They are learning about the significance of Australia's British heritage, the Westminster system and other models that influenced the development of Australia's system of government. Students will continue to learn about the way of life of people who migrated to Australia and their contributions to Australia's economic and social development. Students will select one key historical figure, research their life, viewpoint on Federation and explain the significance of their contribution to the development of Australian democracy. We look forward to students using their historical inquiry skills to produce work to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.
Class Spotlight
5 Green
“In Maths we are learning to use different strategies in addition. I can see how I would use this at home when I’m working out a problem such as spending money at the shops.” Jack M
“In PDHPE I am enjoying running on the ovals and participating in activities. I am really enjoying working on my ‘Exercise in Disguise’ poster as well.” Harry C
“In Visual Art I’m enjoying drawing and colouring Australian birds such as rainbow lorikeets, kookaburras and cockatoos.” Jaidyn S
6 Green
"We have been learning how to design a catapult and see how far it can go as part of our Science unit. I’m really enjoying it because we will be going outside to test the distances.” Jacob Y
“In History we have been learning about Federation and what happened in order for the colonies to be established. I’m really enjoying learning about how people came united together instead of fighting.” Jet N
“In English we have been learning about direct and indirect characterisation. We have been getting this information from the character's emotions and personality. We have also learnt about the importance of settings for a story.” Patrick A
Daniel Fields Sarah Tatola
Head of Curriculum - Stage 3 Head of Teaching and Learning - Stage 3