Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Summer Sport Finals
The very best of luck to the 13D, 17B and 17D Basketball teams as well as the Opens Touch Football team for their upcoming ISA Grand Finals this Saturday. Also, best of luck to all Thunder Cricket Teams in their last round of the regular season.
A reminder to all boys that should they choose to attend and support any teams this weekend they are to be wearing the correct College attire - black Supporters’ shirt, black shorts, white socks, and the College crested cap only.
ISA Representatives
Congratulations to Declan Trainor (Year 12) on his selection in the ISA Representative Water Polo team for 2024.
Annual House Athletics Carnival
The Secondary House and Age Championships will take place next Tuesday 12 March at Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre (SOPAC). This is a normal school day, and all students are expected to attend, irrespective of their capabilities. If for some reason, i.e., medical, a boy cannot participate, please notify your Year Coordinator and myself as soon as possible.
Winter Sports Trials
Please note that Winter Sport Trials will commence on Thursday 14 March. More information on trial schedules will be posted on the sports notice boards and SPC App later in the week.
Please note that training will cease once a team is no longer involved in its respective competition.