Primary News

Grade 5/6 News

This week our brain break involved non-verbal communication. The 5/6’s were provided with one coloured dot; we had four different colours across the group. Students had to use any means necessary to locate others who had the same colour and join their team. Some strategies included pointing at an item in the room of the same colour, bringing a green dot student to another green dot student, looking in reflections. The kids had a good laugh and do a wonderful job of not talking! 

Grade 5/6A teacher - Mrs Doyle.


Grade F1/2 News

Place Value

During the past few weeks, the grade one and two students have been focusing on Place Value in Math.  Students showed great skill in modelling numbers in various ways like using MAB blocks, and Place Value Flip Books.  Most students were able to read, write and model numbers with up to three digits!  Mr. Bramich invented a game where students had to use their hand-eye coordination to see how many bean bags they could get in the 100’s block.  The Summer Team won this challenge!


Mindfulness and Our Surroundings

During Inquiry sessions, F2D students have been going on walkabouts after eating lunch.  We selected a specific tree next to the oval, where we pay a visit every day.  We are tracking whether we can spot any change in the tree, as well as our surroundings.  This week we noticed how the grass was dryer and more yellow, while the tree seemed exactly the same as always.  The shade of the tree seems smaller as we have had to huddle up more when finding shade to sit under.  We drew pictures to compare the change.  During Walkabouts, we have been actively practising mindfulness by taking time to just sit under the tree in silence or quiet conversation.  We remind ourselves of the ground under us, the shade above us and breathing techniques.